Ok so this is a long one. A lot happening here! So much excitement.
My last year of teaching I taught 2nd grade and I was pregnant with her and now she is starting 2nd grade! Where does the time go?
Look at our sweet girl. She looks so grown up. She is always trying to trick up her uniform with accessories and the first day of school was no exception. She wore what I refer to as "diva boots" and a huge red bow in her hair. 
He sweet little class of 14 students.
The little brothers, Rhett and Charlie, waiting patiently while their mom's talk after dropping their big sisters, Kellyn and Kylie, off on the their first day of school. They will both start preschool.
And we started back to dance only this year she has a more mature look. This year she is taking ballet and jazz. Since she has dance on Mondays and the first day of school was on Monday I had to pick up and rush to dance right after school making for a quite a long first day.
The 2nd day of school she added to the uniform a side bow and crazy shoes. In the winter she wears crazy looking tights along with all the other girls. It's a sight to see! Funny how they all try to individualize their uniforms.
Meanwhile back at the ranch...
On day 2 Max called to see how it was going at home all day with 2 boys.
Well, they have chosen to play with Big Sister's doll house, Barbies, and My Little Pony. Seems like a pretty normal day. Rhett loves to play with her toys when she is gone.
Day 3...
We used the baby to wake everyone up. It worked like a charm.:)
Rhett starts Pre-K today!!!
This year Rhett is going 3 days a week (MWF) with an extended day on Mondays.
I love picture outtakes! They tell such a funny story on their own.
I was setting the timer on the camera and testing the placement of the camera when I caught these test shots.
Got it! Close enough!
I'll take it because no one will wait and cooperate for me to set the timer again. :)
And now it's our Special Middle's turn! Why should the Diva and the Baby have all the fun.
By the end of the week with 3 early mornings of bootcamp, 2 first days of school, and 1 lady that told me I looked tired I need a 2nd cup of coffee and an Advil on Friday afternoon.
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