Friday, August 26, 2011

Sea Life Aquarium in Grapevine

On Thursday we went to Sea Life Aquarium in the Grapevine Mills Mall with my mom, my cousin's wife, Caren, and their son, Samuel who is 1 month older than Rhett. It just opened the 2nd week of July, but I was told it was an hour wait so we decided to not go until school started and the crowds died down. It was a perfect day to go and not crowded at all. You get 15% off if you buy your tickets on line, but it was still too expensive for what you get, but the kids enjoyed it. We weren't allowed to use flash photography so my pictures didn't turn out that great. 

When you first walk in they have you stand in front of a green screen and get your picture taken.
Kellyn refused to wear a bow so her hair looks a big dishevled.
Sting Rays

The kids could stand up in this bubble inside one of the aquariums.

My mom and the kids.

Samuel looking at the sharks.

Kellyn ran to see the pink fish.

Kellyn said the jellyfish were her favorite.

Rhett in the shark tunnel watching the sharks get fed.

Sitting in the shark tunnel with Samuel and Caren watching the sharks get fed.

Touching starfish!
We ended our day eating Sbaro pizza and riding on the Carousel. 

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