Thursday, September 8, 2011

And just like that it was gone....The Heat is Gone!

I do not normally take pictures of us just hanging out at the park and I promise I not write a blog post every time we go to the park, but this was the first day in 2 months that we have been able to go to the park!! The weather this week was in the high 80s to 90s. It was so great compared to 106 degrees.

So we took the family to the park and welcomed the outdoors once again.

So fun and we look forward to many more trips to the park. Thank you God for this break in the heat. Next, we need rain. 

We all need to pray for Bassdrop and Possum Kingdom as they are both fighting fires. Bastrop only has 10,000 people in their city and 500 hundred houses burned to the ground. They are desperate need of horse trailers to evacuate all livestock. Sorry to end on a downer, but I do feel guilty enjoying the weather while others are suffering such great lose of life and land. Even the volunteer firefighters have lost their homes yet they continue to work and fight these fires on no sleep. 

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