Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 4 - An Actual Snow Day!!!

SNOW!! It snowed about 6 inches! 

We woke up early this morning because we had an 8:30 a.m. appointment with the orthopedic specialist in Grapevine for Rhett's leg. Needless to say it was cancelled. But the good news was that it was so bad on this day that Max could not get to work and had to stay home with us. After 3 days cooped up by myself with the kids I was finally going to have help not to mention some adult company. Max, however, did not share my enthusiasm because he knew that this meant he was going to have to work on Saturday now. He has to meet a certain amount of minutes with his patients at Sandy Lake Rehab each week no matter what.

Kellyn was lifting up her left leg because Rhett cannot put weight on his left leg due to his injury. She said she wanted to only stand on one foot too.

Before going to play in the snow we ate breakfast and made a pink rose for Baby Lila Elizabeth Stepter's funeral. This was an easy project so we made 2 rose for Kellyn too. I got this idea from North Texas Kids Magazine. They are called Tissue Paper flowers. Click her to see how to make them.

Then we began the process of getting dressed for the cold. Both kids kept on their footed jammies then put on a long sleeve shirt and pants over them then boots, coat, and 2 pairs of gloves. We had lay Rhett down to zip u his coat since he can't stand on his foot.

On Thursday we painted in front of our front door with food coloring and water (got the idea from a mom friend of mine in playgroup), but on Friday it was completely covered by the snow.

Snow is WAY better than ice!

Max got out the kiddie pool and pushed the kids around on the icy street. It cracks me up that Rhett waved bye-bye.

We spent about 15 to 20 minutes outside before the kids we done and ready to go back inside. It took us that long to get them dressed! So we needed something to do inside again. They painted a winter tree and Kellyn painted the letter K. I got this idea from my Maile and her son James. You just put tape on paper in the shape you want, let them paint over it then peel it off. Rhett had to sit in a chair instead of stand due to his leg injury and Kellyn said, "That's alright, real artists sit down to paint anyways. I want to sit too." Sweet girl.
I love the intense look on Rhett's face.

During nap time Max made us hot chocolate. I won't make it for myself. I like it when Max makes it so this was the 1st time I had it during the day because he was home to make and it was so good!

While the kids were napping I went outside to take a few pictures for comparison.
Thursday vs. Friday
Ice vs. Snow

Maw-maw gave us this for Rhett's 1st birthday party back in June. It was a bug theme.  
I was pleasantly surprised that after 4 days of being cooped up together they were still being so sweet to each other. Our living room was just covered in toys, but it was so worth it. And keep in mind like I said on Day 1 they were listening to music the entire time while playing. Again, it really does sooth the wild beasts.
Did I mention how great it was to have Max home to give me a break from playing cars, dolls, and ponies? He is such and awesome and fun dad.

Back outside for the 2nd time. This time Max was determined to build a snowman and it was going great for about the 1st 15 minutes. The kids were totally into, but then Rhett hit his 20 minute limit, gave the sign for All Done and took off his gloves. Then 5 minutes later Kellyn was done too and said she was too cold and wanted to go inside. Max told us to go inside for a minute, warm up then come back out to finish the snowman. That was not what the kids had in mind. Once they are in, they are in for good. So Rhett just whined for Daddy to come inside while watching him finish the snowman himself.

Later, while Max braved the icy streets to go get us some dinner the kids put on a little music concert. We used the drum they got for Christmas plus an Oatmeal canister and hat box.

Rhett dancing to the baby version of La Cucaracha!

I finally got a good picture of our Red Bird in the snow. So pretty!! God's creations are truly breathe taking!

Thank you, God, for this unexpected gift of a family day.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely day. I am so sorry to hear about your friend's baby- I clicked over to their blog. I will say a prayer for them.
