Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ice Day 3 - Visitors!!!

Snuggeling close together watching Word World. Please take note of how cute our crayon hearts look in the window.

This Red Bird has been taunting me every day. I have trying to get his picture for days, but as soon as grab my camera he flies off. Well not today! Got ya. Kellyn has been on the look out for me, but keep telling me not to take his picture because he doesn't like it.  But he is so pretty.

This morning we painted with water colors and Dot paint. Rhett has gotten very good using the Dot paint.

Rhett was begging to go outside and I know Miss Lily wanted to get out too. So I bundled the kids up, put them in the wagon, and covered them with a blanket. We had to convince Kellyn to go, but once she was outside she loved it. In fact, she picked up a chunk of ice and tried to eat it...CRAZY! I slid them down the back ally around the corner, past our house to the end of the cul de sac. Lily ran around and slipped a few times, but loved it! When we turned around Rhett began to cry because he didn't want to go inside. However, once we were in Kellyn convinced him that it was better to be inside by showing him the fire in the fireplace. We all huddle around it and warmed up.

Only a few minutes after coming inside we got a phone call from my mom saying that her and Maw-maw were going to bring us lunch!! Hooray! Other humans to interact with!! They made it safely and brought us lunch from Corner Bakery, my favorite.

        During lunch my infamous Red Bird showed up again and this time I got his picture in the snow!

After rest time Kellyn watched Veggie Tales Sweet Pea Beauty. Then went Rhett woke up we played with Lincoln Logs while listening to music. Cinderellas sleeping in her cabin.

 Then we had a special surprise snack...Chocolate Covered Snowballs! Really it's just a marshmallow on a stick rolled in Nutella. Kellyn loved it so much she kept repeating, "Thank You!" "Thank you so much!" "I love my dessert!" "You are the best mom!" Wow, and it was so easy.

 Really good Day 3 - Trapped Behind Ice. We actually got to see people and Kellyn is pushing close to a week with a her good attitude.

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