Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Rhett's 1st day of swim lessons

I decided to sign Rhett up for a Mommy and Me swim class (actually called Waterbabies) at Emler Swim School this spring so as to prepare him for the pool this summer. His big sister will be taking swim lessons starting in May in a lady's backyard and with Rhett turning 2 on June 1 I fear that he will just try to jump in with her. He is at the age where he copy cats everything she does. Plus I wanted to have a fun thing for us to do on the days she is at preschool. In the fall we took Kindermusik Sign and Sing. I would definitley love to take Kindermusik with him again like I did with Kellyn at this age, but we had to pick one or the other and water safety seemed more important. We can take a different Kindermusik class next fall.

Thursday, January 20.     32 degrees outside. 92 degrees inside.

We meet every Thursday at 11:00 a.m. He did really well on his first day. He did not cry at all. He just kind clung to me and when we put him in the little round floater he signed "all done," but still stuck with it. I think that is just part of his laid back, people pleaser personality. Last summer when he was 13 months old him took a swim class together at the Rec Center and he did fine. So I felt he would do ok dunking his head in the water and he did! I only did it 2 times once when we sang a song once when we slid down the slide. He loved the slide and the water jungle gym. The water was so warm, but when we got out she started shivering so I wrapped him up and took a quick picture before we changed.
Such a little trooper.    19 months old.

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