Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sunday - Game Over!

Sunday, February 6, the sun came out, the temperatures rose, and everything melted. Game over! No more snow and ice and being trapped in the house! Hooray! As soon we got home from church Max started shoveling the snow and ice and mud and Kellyn wanted to help. She had trouble scooping anything onto her shovel so she would pick it up, place it in her shovel then fling it into the yard. 

Kellyn quickly got tired of helping Daddy shovel snow, ice, and mud and decided to sit in the swing with me and Rhett and just watch instead. Then Rhett slipped his hand under her arm as if to hug her and hang on to her. It was so sweet. They just seem like the best little buddies.

Max was determined to finish his snowman even though the kids weren't all that interested in it or helpful. Way to go, Babe! It looks great! It was melted by the end of the day.

Later that night we went to the Whittle's house to watch the Super Bowl with our Life Group. This year the Super Bowl was in Arlington, TX. at the "Death Star" a.k.a "Jerry World." It was so fun chatting and catching up and just being out of the house. Kellyn played upstairs with Reagan and Matthew while Rhett stayed downstairs with me. Since his leg hurt he clung to me so I couldn't get much mingling in until finally Reagan brought down a baby doll and bed for him play with. He rocked that baby to bed a million times which gave me a chance to finally sit, talk, and drink wine. We all had a great time!  It is so nice to have that game over and out of Texas! It seemed as though Jerry Jones was being punished by the weather for his greed, but it was pretty cool that all the celebs were on our turf and Texas was show cased around the world. Unfortunately 1200 people who had tickets were told that the temporary seats that were installed just for the Super Bowl were not safely installed and their tickets $1000 tickets were no good. However, about 800 of those people were found even better seats, but still 400 of them did not get in the stadium and were reimbursed 3 times the amount of their ticket. What a mess! Not to mention the icy conditions cancelled parties during the week and some celebs couldn't get into town. Then the day before the game ice started sliding off the roof of Cowboy's Stadium and knocked some people unconscious. But on a positive note I thought the half time show by the Black Eyed Peas and Usher was pretty cool. I don't know much about the game except that the Packers won against the Steelers. But my favorite commercial was by Volkswagen: The Force.

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