Thursday, February 10, 2011

Rhett's baby cast :(

I will not be getting Mother of the Year, surprise, surprise!!
10 days ago on Sunday, January 31, Rhett and I were home with a little cold and yucky noses while Kellyn and Max went to church. Since it was sunny and 69 degrees that day I thought it would be good for us to play outside. This was when Rhett hurt his leg. We have a little toy firetruck that has pedals inside it. Rhett's left foot slipped off the pedal and got tucked up under the seat he was sitting on. It got hung on the ground while the firetruck kept moving forward. He screamed. I cried. Max and Kellyn got home only 5 minutes later. We took him to Care Now for x-rays, bu they only x-rayed his foot and told me there was nothing broken or fractured and that since he could sit on his legs he was fine. It was probably just a deep bruise. This made me very angry because my Mother's instinct was telling me something different. That night he did not sleep good due to congestion. I just knew he had an ear infection so I took him to the pediatrician on Monday, February 1, his 20 months old birthday, to get him checked out. Turns out he did not have an ear infection and attribute this to probiotics and cod liver oil. I felt like a winner like I had beat the ear infection. I actually felt like a good mom for a split second. Then he examined his leg and pressed on his shin which made him cry. The pediatrician said that he should not be in that much pain and with him still not putting any weight on it he thinks it is a hair line fracture. Thank you for taking me seriously! I think it is too!! But he still wanted to see the x-rays from Care Now so after nap time we went to Care Now then back to Pediatric Specialists of Plano. Dr. Goebel did not like the x-rays Car Now took and told me to get an appointment for more x-rays and a cast at Pediatric Sports and Spine Associates in Grapevine for tomorrow, Tuesday, February 2. Well that was the day the ice storm hit. They were closed all week, but I couldn't leave my house anyways due to dangerous road conditions. I finally called again on Thursday and the receptionist said she had just come in for 2 hours when I called. She schedule us for Friday morning at 8:30, but then the snow came on top of the ice and then they were closed on the weekends. So on Saturday, my mom took Rhett to the vet clinic so Dad could x-ray his leg and then we could maybe know something. But all of his x-rays showed no break and no fracture. Dad thought it was either a torn ligament or a torn tendon. It is so frustrating to not be able to get help for my child!! First thing on Monday morning the orthopedic specialist's office called to make us a make up appointment for Tuesday at 10:15 a.m. Praise the Lord!! So I dropped Kellyn off at preschool then headed to Grapevine and Rhett finally got his cast. We were only there a total of 1 hour 20 minutes in which time they did an x-ray, a cast, and had 3 different people come in to press on his tender leg. Every time someone walked in the door he would cry. The doctor said it was a "toddler fracture" which means you cannot see a break or fracture on the x-ray, but since he still won't put any weight on it after 10 days something must be wrong. They cannot say for sure if it is broken or fractured because it might be in the cartlidge instead of the bone, but they have to treat it as if it were. He laid still and silent while the guy wrapped his leg with the cast. He just gave the sign for All Done, but didn't get upset. Then on the ride home fell fast asleep and it was only 11:45 a.m. I guess the trauma of it all wore him plum out. He was able to take a normal 2 hour nap and then slept in until 8:00 the next morning (Daddy's 34th birthday) so that made me feel better that he could sleep in it without a problem. The only thing is that he used to love bath time, but now he hates it because he has to put a tight bag over his cast and sit on stool in the bath tub so it makes him kind of cold. All in all he has adjusted quite well and Sister and I cater to his every need. And looking back I think it was a blessing that he didn't get his cast any sooner just because he would not have been able to play in the snow on Friday if he had. :)

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