Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Kellyn's 1st Day of Preschool 2011

On Tuesday, August 30, 2011, Kellyn attended her 1st day of preschool a.k.a "The last Year before Mommy's firstborn leaves the nest for real school."  :(
But she was so excited the night before that she told Max, "Daddy I'm just too excited to sleep." She stayed awake in her room until a little before 10:00. We found her sleeping on the floor so Max moved her to her bed, but when I asked her about it the next morning she didn't remember sleeping on the floor. 

At Meet the Teacher Day last week we were given a white bag, which we lost, and told to put 3 things in it that tell about Kellyn. So I found a new bag and let her decorate it however she wanted. I think this is a neat idea and may keep this tradition going every year even if the teacher doesn't ask us too. I just want to document what she chooses through the years to identify herself and how the bag decor will change over the years. This is what she chose this year, age 4 3/4: A picture of her family, A Fancy Nancy book about Easter and a pink hearts necklace. 

Our next, First Day of School Tradition, starting this year is to have the kids dress up in our same clothes every year then one year they will actual fit in them. They just put them on over the pajamas. 

Kellyn and Rhett dressed like Mommy and Daddy. Ages 4 3/4 and 2 years. 

The next tradition is going to have the kids hold up their grade level sign each year.  

Kellyn is a preschooler, but she is the size of a 1st grader! She turns 5 in 6 weeks and wears size 6 to 6x clothes. She must wear closed toed shoes to school (no flip flops) so she felt that glitter shoes were the next best thing, but they hurt a bit without socks. She wouldn't wear plain socks because they aren't fancy enough so we had to hunt around for ruffled socks. :) 

Just like last year, Kellyn attends preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 - 2:00 at Holy Covenant in Carrollton. Her teacher this year is Ms. Escandon. 

There are only 7 kids in her class. No one that was in her class last year because they all decided go 3 to 4 days a week, but she will still see them and get to play with them on the playground. I was the only mom that put my older 4 year old in only 2 days a week. There is parent peer pressure to put them in more days a week around here, "to prepare them for Kindergarten." I can do that myself at home. Plus, I just keep thinking about when she goes off to college I won't say, "I wish I had put her in preschool more days a week," but rather, "Oh how time flies I wish I had more time with her." I just want to be sure I am using this precious, short amount of time I have with her wisely and to it's fullest. Besides, they all level off by 3rd grade anyways whether they were in preschool or not so developmentally it isn't necessary. That was my little soap box, I'm done now :)  I'm excited she loves her teacher and her new friends in her class and that I get these 2 days a week to pour into my baby boy.  

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