Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Treasure Hunt

We played this game on Monday except our own way outside with our own treasure. My Aunt Pat gave this to her for Christmas. Behind the bushes in the front yard was one of the places she hide the box of treasure. We pretended to be nice pirates on a treasure hunt. They even told Lily that she was a pirate dog. And Kellyn had us leave a trail of "diamonds" leading to the treasure. 

The kids stayed in their pajamas all day. I just made them put rain boots or shoes on. Kellyn loves giving! So, naturally she left a few of her treasures on some of our neighbors doorsteps. I can only imagine what they will think. Luckily the neighbors she chose know us and know her well enough to hopefully connect it back to my girly, giving girl. :)

While on our walk we stopped to play in a small pile of sand on the sidewalk. Rhett didn't want to leave it until I reminded him about the large amount of sand in our backyard.

Naturally Pirate Kellyn buried the treasure in the sand. 

On a side note: Monday was the first day Rhett voluntarily took a nap in his big boy bed. And he slept for 3 hours. I had to go wake him up so he wouldn't be up all night. We keep a square Thirty-One bag of books on his night stand. He pulled out 2 books then went to sleep. He did the same at bed time. We'll see how long this lasts, but so far he hasn't come out of his room or gotten out of his bed to destroy his room, fingers crossed. But today, he wanted to nap in his crib. So glad I didn't take it down yet so I can still have nap time. 

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