Friday, February 3, 2012

Catch Up the End of January

Last Friday, January 27, we went to Rhett's playgroup that morning. He is very into being a cowboy right now. He was the cutest little cowboy on the playground.   

On Saturday morning we had a surprise birthday party for my friend Jennifer in Denton at the Chestnut Tree. It is always so great when we all get together. This group of girls are all so special. I wish we saw each other more, but at least we have our annual Mother/Daughter Christmas party. This year we turned it into a birthday party. So fun!

That night afternoon we went to the 4:00 show to see Tim Hawkins at Bent Tree Bible. If you search him on You Tube you will see for yourself how hilarious he is. My favorites are "The Government Can" and "Chic-fil-a." 

Everyone piled in Rhett's new big boy bed. 

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