Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Magazine Article About Parent Coaching!!

It's Out! I thought it wouldn't be out for a few more days, but it's out now!! I'm in both Dallas Child Magazine and Ft.Worth Child Magazine! Here are the links to the articles, but if you live locally you can pick one up yourself at your library, preschool, day care center, pediatrician office and more. I finally found some when I took Rhett to his Gymboree class on Thursday, Feb. 2. When you open it up the article is on the 2nd page of North Texas Child!!  I think she did a good job explaining what a parent coach is and does and painting us in a positive light. This is so great because now when people ask for help with their kids you can forward them a link to this article about what a parent coach does and how we can help (just be sure to give them my email address with it. :)

Special Thanks to The Steinauer Family and the Holloway Family for being so willing to share their stories and break confidentiality. I appreciate what you said so much. You are too kind.

Although, as an Aggie, nothing was more exciting than being featured in my university's College of Education magazine, Transforming Lives.

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