Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ice Day 2 - Craft Day

"Is the snow still here?!!"

This was the morning that I decided I should brave the cold and take some pictures to document the ice. So today, more than just Miss Lily went outside. She was so sad that she could no longer go freely in and out of her doggie door to the backyard.

Our street was covered in think ice.

The kids watching Sesame Street in the morning. Notice how Rhett had feed his baby a bottle.

                                       Max took his time leaving for work so the kids attacked.

Kellyn played Tinker Bell Hop Scotch all day. We gave Rhett a job just perfect for him...tearing up paper.

Max calls these Paper Mache Hearts. For this project we used:
 ripped up pieces of tissue paper, water and glue mixed together, white construction paper, and paint brushes, glitter glue.
Dip your paint brush in the gluey water. Place pieces of shredded tissue paper on the construction paper and paint it with glue water. Squirt glitter glue on top then spread that around with paint brush. When done put a dry piece of paper under the soaking wet artwork. We laid them in front of the fire to dry then I used my crinkle cut scissors to cut them in the shape of a heart.

I found this idea on North Texas Kids Magazine website.
All you need is waxed paper, crayons, construction paper, and an iron. Begin with a 12-by-16-inch sheet of waxed paper. Fold it in half along its length; unfold. Deposit wax-crayon shavings (made with a handheld pencil sharpener) evenly but not thickly across one half of the paper. Fold the clean half of the paper over the shavings. Crimp the three open edges with a 1/2-inch fold to hold the shavings. Protect your ironing surface with construction paper. Place the waxed paper on the construction paper, and cover it with another sheet of construction paper. Iron lightly on medium heat, checking after every few passes. Stop when all the shavings have melted; let cool. Next, trace and cut out hearts of various sizes. String each heart with a silk thread for hanging.

The kids really liked sprinkeling the crayon shaving on the wax paper.
But Rhett clung to me when I got the hot iron out to melt them.

Then we built a tent and read books and played babies and ponies under it.

Then the kids took a nap!! After nap time Kellyn watched Beauty and the Beast. Then she bejeweled my pot and made pea/banana soup. And Rhett found a frozen pot outside the playhouse.

Rhett was begging to go outside so I took him for a few minutes while Kellyn wanted to stay inside and decorate her Valentine's box under the tent.

 Bad News: Our washing machine overflowed and flooded our laundry room and garage. Water even flowed out of the garage into the driveway and ally. This was the worst possible day this could have happened because the water that flowed out froze! Max was not able to park there when he got home. He had to park in the front on the street. Here is a shot of our ally. Very slick.

Kellyn soon decided she wanted to play outside after all. She kept trying to dig out things that were frozen beneath the ice, bubble wand, side walk chalk, and leaves.

We spent about 15 minutes outside then came back in to have a snack under the tent.

This is the outfit Kellyn has been wearing for 2 days while it is 18 degrees outside! But I'm not complaining because we aren't going anywhere in public and we haven't been arguing about her choice of clothes. In fact she has been very compilable and polite and pleasant since Monday. I thought that since we have been giving Rhett so much attention for hurting his leg and being congested she would be acting out and want to be hurt too, but instead she has been super sweet and helpful and even bragging about how she is the only one that hasn't been sick or hurt.

All in all, a successful survival of Day , Locked Behind Ice.

Sad news: This was the night I found out that Baby Lila Elizabeth Stepter had gone to be with Jesus. Read Rebecca's blog and witness God's love and faith and strength in overwhelming grief. God is so good. I love the Lee family so much and can't even imagine the pain it must be to bury a child. It really puts into perspective how fragile life is. I am so grateful to have my kids locked in doors with me over these few days so I can just soak up their presence and enjoy their life. I will not complain about having too many snow days with my them. I want them to have wonderful memories of fun times with their mommy not that they got to watch a ton of t.v. and movies. I will be holding my babies a little tighter tonight.

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