Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ice, sleet and Valentine's treats

On the morning of Tuesday, February 1 at about 4:30 a.m. I was awoken by sleet hitting our bedroom windows. I decided I would not be going to 5:45 a.m. boot camp then went back to sleep. Kellyn's preschool was closed so we enjoyed a snow day. However, there was no snow to play with. It was all hard ice so none of us went outside in the 17 degrees weather. We did not get dressed. We stayed in our pajamas all day. Except for Max who went to work every day in the ice. Miss Lily did very well. She loved going potty in the snow and didn't have one accident even though we closed her doggie door because it was blowing in freezing cold air. However, she refused to go in the rain, but problem.

First of all we listened to lots and lots and lots of music. Music really does the wild best. I always have songs on during the day anyways, but on these days I never turned it off. We just listened to disc after disc after disc. The kids play so well independently and together when music is on. It seems to just lull them into kindness and sharing. I always have their music playing in the car and when I'm trying to cook dinner.

First thing on the morning of our 1st day trapped by ice Kellyn decorated Lily's bed. She felt that Lily wanted her dog bed to be "more fancy since she could not go outside and play or go on a walk."
We baked cupcakes! But not just any cupcakes. Kellyn wanted pink cupcakes with pink icing. She was great helper, but Rhett...not so much.

I put the baked the cupcakes and made the icing during nap time. When they woke up resting Kellyn decorated her cupcake then decorated Rhett's for him. So sweet.

After watching Beauty and the Best Kellyn put stickers on her Valentine's cards and Rhett played with babies. He is sitting in her Tinker Bell chair not only because he likes it, but also he hurt his leg on Sunday and can't put any weight on it. He just sat around all day, pointed at a toy and Kellyn I catered to him. We think his leg might have a hair line fracture and hope to get a cast on it as soon as the ice melts on the roads.

Ahhh, the perfect end to an icy day.

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