Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ft. Worth Stock Show

When I was young my parents took my brother and I out of school every year to go to the Fat Stock Show and Rodeo. We never missed school for anything so it was always a real treat and a super special day. Now they have started me and my kids and my husband. Max said he never went as a child.

It was cold and raining when we left at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday morning. 

Funnel Cake!!
Max took the day off work to go with us. Not sure why he looks so serious. I promise he was having fun. 

All Kellyn cared about was seeing baby animals and eating funnel cake. They loved the Children's Barnyard and watching cows get milked. We saw chickens, ducks, pigs, sheep, goats, turkey, cows and horses.  After walking around all the barns we went into the main building where they sell everything. 

Rhett got a new cowboy hat. Kellyn chose a pink, sparkle cap. He kept walking in front of us as if he were the leader. 

Rhett was in heaven once we found the tractors.

Cowboy eatin' a corn dog. 

My parents bought the kids new hats and new boots! Kellyn of course had to have pink ones.

What great way to spend a rainy day! Thanks, Mom and Dad. 

See ya next year, Stock Show. Thanks for the memories. 

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