Thursday, January 26, 2012

Overindulged and Entitled Teens

I feel like I should preface this post because I'm embarrassed to say that I watched day time t.v.  I very rarely turn the t.v. on during the day, but yesterday we went to the stock show, it was raining, I was tired, the kids were resting in their rooms and Max was asleep on the couch. I didn't want to clean up and it was too early to start dinner so I turned on the t.v. and found the Dr. Phil Show. This episode was about an overindulged and entitled teenager. It was titled "17 and Out of Control." At the end of the episode Dr. Phil gifted to the parents for their daughter to go to a ranch he said was for overindulged and entitled kids. It seems upsetting that there is such a need for a place like this. Is there a growing epidemic of overindulged and entitled children? Yes! So basically parents first spend loads of money to keep their kids "happy" with things then they have to pay for their child to go to therapy and/or a rehabilitation ranch.

On facebook this year I saw a few parents posting picks of the enormous amounts of things Santa brought their young children. One parent even wrote under a picture of her 2 year old opening a gift that was very popular, but not age appropriate, "After all our searching....I'm sure she has no idea what this is." As I watched this teenager on t.v. scream and yell and curse and disrespect her parents on national television I had the image of a few toddlers I know whose parents proudly post on facebook how much they are overindulging them. This out of control teen could be a glimpse into their future if they don't rein in their spending and teach their children respect and gratitude quick, fast and in a hurry. I know that all of these parents sincerely and whole heartedly love their children and only want the very best for them. Their intentions are good, but their actions are not. I think it goes back to the fact that parents today just want their kids to be happy and to like them. Parents "back in the day" weren't concerned about their children's happiness, but rather their contributions...their contributions to the family and their contributions to society. As soon as parents shifted from the Biblical view of parenting to a worldly feel-good view of parenting things went down hill fast. There is more I could say on the subject, but I won't. That girl on the show had obviously been fed the lie that she is entitled to happiness at all costs. However, her intense black-out rage makes me think that she could also be a sociopath in addition to overindulged. I do think that she has weak parents (they even spoke in a weak manner). She was so full of anger. I think some of her anger came from never having been given limits and boundaries. Children crave predictablilty and consistency and need their parents to love them enough to say NO. While children don't like to hear no, they do feel safe and secure and loved when a parent can't be talked into a Yes.

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