Monday, January 30, 2012

The Royal Feast (at preschool)

Kellyn had her Royal Feast at preschool and she was in heaven over it. She had been counting down the days. I think she had been waiting for this day her whole life. She is so in her element as a princess. 

My mom made her dress.

They all practiced good manner and the boys pulled the chairs out for the girls. There are only 2 boys in her class and 5 girls so those boys were busy. 

Rhett kept snatching food off his sister's plate. She told him to wear dress up clothes and me to wear a dress. So we did. He chose to be Tow Matter. She also had me braid her hair because she said all princesses have a braid. 

Daddy was able to come to the feast!

They made these cute place mats and crowns in class.

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