Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 5 - Sweet Freedom!

The snow was still here when we woke up Saturday morning so we thought we better get out to play one last time because temperatures were rising quickly. But look, we had real ice cycles!!

Kellyn painted the snow with water and food coloring.

Rhett and I made Momma and Baby snow angles.

Then Max had to go to work since he missed Friday due to icy streets. Sadly my first time in a car and out of the house was to go to a baby funeral. So since neither of us were able to be home my mom came to pick up the kids at 11:00 a.m. to take them to her house. They were beyond excited to get into a car and leave this house and I don't blame them. They actually went to the vet clinic first so my dad could x-ray Rhett's leg. He said he did not see any break or fracture. It might be just a really deep bruise or a pulled ligament or tendon.

James 1:17 - Every good and perfect gift is from above...
I titled this blog Sweet Freedom for 2 reason: 1) because the snow and ice were melting which meant after 4 days in our house we were finally able to get out and go somewhere and 2) because this was the day of Baby Lila Elizabeth Stepter's funeral. They day her family and friends released her back to the Lord. It was lovely funeral full of hope and joy. They had a cute display of pink things, Bible verses and big letter L painting in the foyer of the church. There were pink flowers on stage. We sang 3 praise and worship songs. At the end we all went outside and released pink balloons while singing "Jesus Loves Me."
The whole thing was beautiful, but so sad at the same time, yet you got this overwhelming sense of peace like you just know that God is going to do amazing this things from this tiny girl's life because these 2 young parents are allowing Him to use them as vesels to spread His word in a time of deep greif. Simply Unbelievable! My heart just breaks for the Stepters and the Lees. I just cannot imagine the pain as a mother to have to bury my child. Rebecca is so strong and truly trying to use this tragedy and her daughter's life for God's glory. Thanks to the internet thousands of people have heard her story and the good news of Jesus Christ because Rebecca and her husband Scott live it out daily. As angry as they are and as unfair as this is they have not allowed Satan to take hold of them which is such a testament to their faith and Christ's unnending love. She only lived for 16 days, but her life has already touch so many people. Rebecca wrote the most amazing blog about her daughter's death. As the preacher at the funeral said, "Thank you, Rebecca, for giving us a glimpse into the soul of a grieving mother."

Jeremiah 29:11-13 - For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

I rode with my friend, Angie, to and from the funeral. She lives in up town Dallas and the funeral was in Ft. Worth. It was so worth the extra time it took to go to Dallas first because of the great catching up conversations we were able to have in the car and back at her townhouse. Needless to say, I didn't get back home until 6:30 that evening and I did not want to stay there. My parents still had the kids and Max had just gotten home from work himself so we went out to dinner just the 2 of us to Cantina Laredo. I got the most well deserved and delicious strawberry margarita! It was so great to not cook and get out of the house and be alone with my husband.

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