Saturday, November 19, 2011

Update on Rhett's Surprise Potty Training

After Rhett's big surprise last Wednesday, November 16, he has been doing great. He has gone both poop and pee on the potty with no problem. 

On Thursday morning Max and I took Rhett to Wal-mart to pick out his big boy underwear. Then we all went to Kellyn's Thanksgiving feast at her preschool. After nap time I put Rhett in his underwear. This was his excited reaction as he looked at himself in the mirror wearing big boy underwear for the first time. 
Friday was our first full day of potty training and he did fine. We had to take Kellyn to dance class that morning so I was a little nervous he might have an accident away from home, but he didn't. He did a however, have an accident later that night while I was cooking dinner. He was busy playing and didn't want to stop. All he said was, "I peed," but he still didn't stop playing. So I took him to the restroom to sit on the potty and went a little more, changed and went to playing. When Kellyn would have accidents she would cry and get upset, not this kid. 

Saturday morning he did not want to sit on the potty so we didn't force him. After he had been awake for a bout 30 minutes he said, "I ready to pee." So I sat him down and he did. Saturday night we went to an early movie and early dinner while Max's parents watched the kids. I knew Rhett needed to poop all day, but he wasn't ready and I didn't want to force him. I was just hoping he would go before they got there for fear he might go poop in his pants at the park, but they didn't go to the park and he didn't poop on their watch. Soon after we walked in the door about 7:30 p.m. Rhett took my hand walked me to the restroom. He said, "Me ready to poop." He sat on the little potty while I read a book then he would stand up and do a potty dance and say his tummy hurt, "No poo poo." But then he would sit back down for another book and then get up again then sit down again. Finally after about 30 minutes of this he pooped. 

Sunday was our first test of how he was doing because we went to church and had to leave him and trust that he would use a public potty. He did it! He peed on the little kid potty at church with out a problem. Later that night we went to Life Group and while he was upstairs with the babysitters for 2 hours. He did have an accident at Life Group. He didn't want to sit on their big potties so I will be sure to carry the little potty seat with me to sit on top of the adult potty next time. I had to do that with Kellyn too. I just forgot about it because I wasn't thinking about potty training yet, but know I'm out of denial and really accepting that we are doing this. 

Monday was successful. All morning he acted like he needed to poop and told me he did, but then he would try and just didn't happen. Finally I decided to give up and leave the house for a little while. I needed to go to Cost Co so we went there and were gone for about an hour and a half. We got him some Cars pull-ups for bedtime. He was very excited about that. He did not have an accident in public so I was very excited about that. When we got home he went pee then we had lunch. After lunch he began to do the potty dance  so I asked if he was ready to go poo poo and he said yes as he ran to the potty. I sat, hunched over, on the big potty reading book after book after book to him for an hour. Finally, I had to go check on Kellyn and help her with some stuff in her room while he continued to sit on his little potty. I peeked in on him once to asked if he was done yet and said, "Go away Momma." So I went back in Kellyn's room t help her clean out her closet and give away a bunch of her old dress up clothes that are too small now. Then he calmly said, "I pooped." Sure enough he did! I wish I had known he preferred to be alone to do it before I spent an hour in there! Oh well. He took a good long nap after that. :)  It honestly never occurred to me that he would do that on his own. I just thought he would give up and we would try again later. Again, this is just so different than what I was used to with his sister at this age. 

On Tuesday morning he woke up dry then we met some friends at the park for lunch so I was a little nervous that he might get distracted playing and  not want to stop to go potty, but I took the little potty in my car and made him go. He didn't want to at first, but once I started singing Jingle Bells he peed. :)  Later he woke up from nap dry then that night I went to dinner with the girls and Max said he went potty just fine. Less than a week from starting he has had his first fully all day dry day!

So that was the long version to say he is doing great potty training himself. 

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