Monday, May 9, 2011

The Royal Wedding Watching Party

On Friday, April 29, 2011 Prince William and Kate Middleton had the wedding of the century!
Our friend Lucy, who is from the U.K., was kind enough to host a fabulous party for us at her house to watch the wedding. She fixed really Britsh food and desserts and all the little girls dressed up in their princess dresses.
Lucy got a few things for the UK store in Grapevine.

Scons, Eton Mess, strawberris and cream and more, SO DELICIOUS!
And Dena made the best lemonade I have ever tasted in my life. As soon as I get the recipe I will share it and make it over and over again.

Kristin V. and I wore hats and Rhett would not leave my side.

All the Hot Mommas!

All the little kids, plus Prince Charming amoungst all the pink, princess tule.

Kellyn and Phoebe cuddled up together to watch it on the couch.

Kate is about to get out of the car to reveal her dress! Oh the anticipation!

Her dress!! Even Rhett got into a little.

She is soooo pretty.

The moms watching.

What a fun morning. Thanks to Lucy I will always remember when and where and with who I watched this wonderful event. So fun to share that with my daughter.

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