Kellyn started taking ballet and tap this month at North Texas Dance Academy. This summer we took a little 4 day dance camp at DCJ just to test out if she even wanted to take dance in the fall and spring. I didn't want to sign a year long contract if she wasn't really that into it. But she really liked it so I made her pick between taking gymnastics again or taking dance. She really likes both, but finally decided on dance. I was happy about this mostly because an orthopedic specialist had suggested dance to loosen her tight hip muscles. Well, most all dance classes are late in the evening to accommodate school aged kids so I searched around for something during the day. I was excited when I saw that NTD had a class on Friday mornings at 10:00 for ages 3 to 5 beginners, but there was a waiting list. So I emailed Holley, the owner/director to see how long the waiting list was. She called me back in only 10 minutes after receiving my email. She said that I would be #3 on the waiting list, but that she would see about adding an 11:00. She called me back again about 20 minutes later to say that she could indeed add an 11:00 class for us. This was perfect! Kellyn's playgroup meets on Mondays, we go to the library on Wednesdays and she has preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays so Fridays would be the best day for us. Plus we won't have to give an evening.

This place is so cool. They have 2 t.v.'s in the waiting room for the parents to watch their kids' classes.
And the best part is that she gets to be in dance with her buddy, Presley, who is Life Group with us and took gymnastics with her last year and swim lessons with her this summer. We see them a lot. And her baby brother, Hudson, is friends with Kellyn's baby brother, Rhett. So the boys have had to play together while their big sisters took gymnastics and now ballet and tap.
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