Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Dixon Reunion in Grapeland

We arrived in Grapeland, Tx. on Friday night, October 7, for the Dixon/ Kennedy family reunion (Max's dad's side of the family). Max's uncle and aunt and cousins drove in from Kansas for the annual Peanut Festival and parade. We actually stayed in Crocket at a lake campground. 

Helping Daddy set up the tent. 

Setting up a tent is hard work. They ate dinner on the blow up mattress Max's Aunt Beth provided, but Max's parents actually slept there. We all stayed in cabins.

But I will tell you the excitement didn't stop there. However, it was nothing I could take pictures of. I finally got the kids to sleep at 10:00 then decided instead of going to sleep myself I would hangout at the picnic table with the rest of family in the middle of our campsite. What a neat, close nit, open and emotional family Max's uncle Gary has. We stayed up until 2:30 a.m. talking, sharing, crying, learning about each other and drinking a little. My heart breaks for the wounds and the pain in these families. Max and I shared our faith and many questions were asked. I feel like we at least planted seeds and now pray for God to do the rest. I don't see how they could drive 9 hours back home to Kansas without talking about those crazy Christians.  Please pray for healing for everyone involved. "This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus." Romans 3:22-24. I was so proud of Max and actually got to learn more about him the next night when we got home as he shared after the lead of his uncle about his own childhood. Very interesting how you can still  learn so much about who someone is and why they are that way based on personal experiences in their childhood after 8 1/2 years of marriage. 

On Saturday morning Rhett and Aiden road in Max's parent's car in the parade. Kellyn was too upset by the 5 loud fire trucks to ride in the car so she stayed at Granny and Papa's house with us. 

Rhett and his Popi looking at the horses in the parade.

Rhett loved both firetrucks. 

Aiden and Kellyn looking for the coins they placed on the tracks earlier. 

I love this picture of Rhett on the railroad tracks with Granny and Papa's house in the background. 

Back at the campsite we celebrated Kellyn's and Aiden's birthdays with a pinata that Max's Aunt Beth brought. 

Max' mom gave Kellyn a bag of these potholder maker things, but Kellyn made sweatbands for everyone even baby Stella. 

The Dixon's from Kanas all bought cowboy boots to comemorate their visit to Texas. They asked me to take a picture of all their boots. So cute!

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