Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Giving Thanks

I feel like November has been Gratitude Training month. I've been really trying to model gratitude, role play gratitude, and teach gratitude and show disappointment when there isn't gratitude. I want them to know that I will always provide for their needs, but I just want to be appreciated. More than anything I do not want my kids to suffer with entitlement. We've been talking about how it is important to show people that we appreciate them and what they do and how much we like it we people appreciate our hard work. And it has been working. I've been hearing the kids say thank you to each other in the backseat, at the park, around the house, everywhere. They still feel shy or embarrassed or nervous or something when talking to people they don't know that well so they may say thank you very quietly under their breath or not at all to strangers. But they have both been saying Thank You to me!! even for the smallest things. It's been great and have actually been feeling appreciated by my kids and I tell them how nice that was to hear and good it feels to know someone appreciates you.  
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18

Kellyn wrote down all the things she was thankful for on this Free Thanksgiving Bunting Downloadable. I think it turned out pretty cute.

2 little Indians
Kellyn with her friend at their preschool Thanksgiving Feast.

On Tuesday of the Thanksgiving Break we met some friends at the park. Rhett kept calling the bridge train tracks while Kellyn explored a drainage ditch with her friends. 


On Wednesday of the break we went to Maw-maw's house to help make Green Jello and Fruit Salad for tomorrow's Thanksgiving meal. Rhett loves to cook! He is such a little chef. Kellyn likes to eat what he makes. :)

My sweet Miss Lily was surrounded by toys at Maw-maw's house. While the kids cooked she tried to take a nap. 

I have so much to be thankful for. I pray I don't forget that as the year goes on and we get busy and flustered during the holiday season. 

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