Sunday, December 15, 2013


So we were originally scheduled to have our family Christmas/ maternity pictures taken on Sunday, November 24, but had to reschedule due to an arctic blast bringing freezing rain and freezing temperatures. Our make up date was going to be Saturday, December 7, but as I watched the forecast it appeared we were in for yet another arctic blast only this time even worse with below freezing temperatures and ice! Luckily Max was available the afternoon of Monday, December 2. It was a beautiful 70 degrees day. Then Thursday night it hit! Ice!!!

Day 1, Friday, December 3:
No School!!!

I had so much fun playing with my camera!
Everything was so beautiful.

Our backyard

My roses were blooming the day before. You see some of the red blooms under the ice. 
So sad, yet still pretty. 

Miss Lily didn't care much for the ice and cold. We had to coax her outside then she would run back in. 

This seemed like a great day to do our gingerbread house! Having Daddy home all day is a rare thing so we had to take advantage of it. But once the kids were done, Daddy took over to correct it and make just the way he wanted. :)
Kellyn and Taryn (neighbor who also goes to LCA) enjoyed spending the day together.
Dancing ice princesses. 

We still got mail in the ice!
Our mail lady told us some people didn't get mail though because there was so much caked on ice that she could not pry open their mail box. 

We took a break from the ice to warm up inside and bake cookies. They only agreed to help me if they could lick the batter in the end. 
This was the first time I've ever seen Rhett cross his eyes. 

Delivering cookies to the neighbors. 

Resting from a long, cold day. 

Day 2, Saturday, December 7:
Everything was still closed and this was probably the worst day on the roads so the kids practiced archery in the house. 

By this time Max was going stir crazy and needed to get out. He took dropped the kids I off at CostCo while he went nearby to see a patient. Unlike all the other stores I'ld been hearing about CostCo wasn't out of anything. They had plenty of eggs, milk, and bread. But I had been seeing bare shelves at Wal-mart and Kroger all over Facebook. 

There isn't much you can do with ice so we painted it with water and food coloring. 

Kellyn wrote her name in cursive.

Then I called my friend, Cecilie, who just moved into a new house nearby to see if we could slowly drive over there for a play date with their 4 kids. It was very slippery, but Max drove wonderfully and we made it safely. He had fun playing ping pong with Joey while Cecilie and I chatted and the kids played for 2 hours. We even stopped at Sonic on the way home so I could get my grilled cheese and peach iced tea.  

We got home by 5:00 and were supposed to go out to Argyle that night for an ugly sweater party, but considering how far of a drive that would be in the ice we decided to stay home. Plus, my parents were supposed to keep the kids overnight and told us not come. They live in Bartonville, near Argyle. It must have been really bad on the roads for them to cancel keeping the kids. They never turn that down. Mom said they were having to break the ice on the horses water twice a day. 

We ended our evening doing our Truth in the Tinsel Bible reading and craft. This is our 3rd year to do it and I love this tradition. 

Day 3, Sunday, December 8:
Still icey and the novelty has worn off. It was still so bad that our church cancelled all services. They said the parking lot was like an ice skating rink and just too dangerous. So we stayed home again and decided to get a family pic in the ice before it all melted away. 

Again, Max needed to get out and go see patients so we tagged along. He dropped us off at the mall so we could go see the movie Frozen!

We ended the night as usual with a Truth in the Tinsel craft. 

Day 4, Monday, December 9:
Still icey and school was cancelled again.
Max had lots of patients to see and one in Argyle so he took us to Maw-maw's house in Flower Mound and from there Mom took us all out to her house to see the animals standing on ice. 

Rhett helped me bake sugar cookies...

while Kellyn practiced target shooting in the hallway. 

And these beautiful and delicious cookies bring our 4 days behind ice to an end. Although, we were lucky to not be as trapped as most people. Thanks to Max we got out and went places. 

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