Monday, July 7, 2014

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Birthday, America!

Happy 4th of July!

First of all let me just say Thank You to all the men and women who allow me the freedom to celebrate America's birthday. I am so proud to be an American.
It is such a privilege and blessing to call myself an American and to be able to raise my children in this wonderful and free country where we can openly and freely worship the one true God. I can't help but think how lucky we are to have just been born in the right place. 

I find myself thinking how desperate those parents in Mexico must be to be willing to take the risk of sending their children away, unaccompanied, all alone across the board for the chance at a better life. 

We as Americans have that better life. However, we are a young, immature, ungrateful country who have taken for granted the rights and privileges we have that others can only dream of. I would go so far as to call America an entitled, little, brat. Instead of maturing as a nation it seems as though we are regressing. Instead of learning how to save our money we have fallen into the trap of "I want it now!" Instead of standing true on the Biblical principals this country was founded on we call the Bible a judgmental book.  This country has seen better days, but it has also seen worse days. And despite it all I LOVE America. I pray we find our way back to God and grow together instead of more and more apart. God blessed America in 1776 and continues to do so today. 

"I pledge allegiance
to the flag 
of the United States of America
and to the Republic
for which it stands,
one nation, 
under God, 
with liberty and justice for all."

"God bless America.
Land that I love.
Stand beside her and guide her
through the night with the light from above.
From the mountains,
to the valleys, 
to the oceans white with foam.
God bless America;
my home sweet home.
God bless America, 
my home sweet home."

Look what I found at the parade....a '67 Mustang. And the owner let us sit in it!
We both wore red stick for the parade.
Bo watching his first 4th of July parade. His gorgeous blue eyes melt me every time.

End of the line and sleepy time. :)

The night before, Thursday, July 3, our sweet friends, the Anders, invited us to watch fireworks at Brookhaven Country Club where Joey is the head golf instructor. He was actually Jordon Speith's coach! We had fun swimming, eating, and watching the fireworks on blankets on the golf course. It was a late night so my mom met us half way and picked up Bo around 8:00 so he could go home and go to sleep. We didn't get home until 11:00 then had to rise and shine early to be in the McKinney parade by 9:30 a.m., but it was so worth it for the fun, food, and fellowship we had with Joey and Cecilie and their 4 great kids.

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