I had to go to the restroom in the airport, but Priscilla was a asleep on me in the Ergo so I unhooked her and handed my sleeping baby to my father. This is how he held her. But she stayed asleep! And he said she was chic magnet. :) He did better on the plane. :)
It was so weird walking into her house without her being there. When I walked into the kitchen I saw that she had not only kept, but displayed a picture of my kids' footprints that we had made for her when Bo was 2 weeks old for Valentine's Day.
It was a sad weekend, but it was nice to reconnect with my cousins.
My cousin, Cameron, unlike my brother, was a natural with the baby.

I never realized how much my cousin, Brooke, and I look alike.
Time for a baby wardrobe change. I thought it would lighten the mood if I changed her into a cute Christmas outfit. :) And since she never go to meet Gran or Granddad. I wanted her picture on Gran's couch, in their house. This was the last time I will ever be back in El Paso. My aunt sold the house a few months later. :(
I miss her deeply and wish I could have a few more late night conversations with her. She was very intelligent, a terrible cook, a beautiful painter, a great bridge player, a wonderful storyteller, a friend to everyone, and was always taking us on "adventures." Even taking Max and I across the border to Juarez back before we were married.
smile emoticon
I'm so sad that she didn't get to meet Priscilla, but so very blessed with the times I did spend with her and memories we made together. I know she would have loved seeing all of us cousins gathering together in her living room and catching up as we did this weekend. Thank you, Aunt Sherlynn Muckelroy, for a difficult but lovely weekend with family.
Her are some pics over the years of a few of our visits.
Kellyn, July 2007
These are pics of Kellyn when she was 9 months old.
October 2010
We took Rhett to meet her when he was 2.
We want to a pumpkin patch and pecan farm in New Mexico.
August 2014
We took Bo to meet Gran when he was 6 months old.
All the 1st borns in this pic.
Gran loved playing cards and dominoes and passed that love on to the next generation and the next.
My dad got to spend his birthday in his birthplace with his mom. :)
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