Friday, December 23, 2016

Thanksgiving Break 2016

We kicked off our break with the Thanksgiving Feast at School!
After the feast it was as nice day so we went to the park and Kellyn insisted on pushing the double stroller. Big sisters are such a blessing. 
The next day we picked pecans at my Uncle Doc's Gun Shop and it was cold, but was so fun!
 After picking pecans we went to my parent's house to see my cousin Brooke who was in town from Houston! She was here with her new boyfriend, Dan, for a wedding which they did not attend after all. My cousin just graduated nursing school and is 22 years old her. She got engaged a week later on Thanksgiving to her 35 year old boyfriend. Planning a wedding for May!
But I digress. Here are the boys playing Pilgrim and Indian at my parent's house that night. 

Then on the first day of Thanksgiving break I was thankful for no school rush that morning, I had already gone to boot camp and showered and dressed for the day yet no children were even awake in my house so I was enjoying a quiet cup of coffee with this snuggly puppy. 

Day 2 of Thanksgiving Break I realized that no one had a coat that fit them! So we met my mom at Once Upon a Child to find everyone a good warm jacket. It was insane with Bo and Priscilla! Then Kellyn was wanted to go next door to Old Navy which was having a 60% pre-black Friday sale so we went and thank God they had an art table to keep Priscilla occupied and my mom to take them both outside while I shopped quickly with Rhett and Kellyn. Thumbs up Old Navy!
Then on Thursday we were on the road to Arlington for Thanksgiving at Max's cousin's house! Bo was already tired was not going to get a nap at all that day. :(       
My first 2 were so calm and posed for the camera... the next 2 not so much. :)

Look it's a giant pac N play for big kids. They voluntarily climb in then just zip them up. 

And thats a wrap.
We drove the bigger 3 to my mom's house and transferred them into her Expedition immediately and they drove straight to the property in Loving, Tx. Max had to work on Friday so Priscilla decided to wait a day and go with him. We went to Maw-maw's house to see her and pick up some Christmas stuff in storage at the vet clinic. Priscilla was getting sleepy by then, but Thanksgiving snuggles are the best. 

Seeing all the pictures of everyone's kids on Facebook that day made me realize why the election got so heated. Regardless of who we voted for we did it for our kids and their future. It's hard to be mad at someone who voted differently than you when you realize how alike you really are. We all love our children deeply and are so beyond thankful and grateful for them and can turn into mamma bears instantly when we perceive a threat to their future. We may have had different plights and views and interpreted things differently and cannot quite understand each other this election year, but we all LOVE the same. Jesus doesn't care who you voted for. He cares that you accept his gift of grace.

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