As a stay-at-home-mom I am judged and evaluated every time I leave the house as to whether or not I am a good parent based solely on the behavior of another person whose brain isn't fully developed. I can't control or predict their behavior in public. I can only be proactive in guiding it and pray for help which hopefully means I will be less reactive. Same goes for their health. I can't control whether or not they get sick, but I can take a proactive role in their health and again pray for help and use less reacive treatments. As a mom one of the ways I feel successful is if my kids are healthy. Any time my kids got ear infections, fever, colds, whatever...I wanted to avoid antibiotics but I really wanted them to feel better more. So I would give in simply out of exhaustion then feel like a failure. I know this is ridiculous, but I think it all goes back to....breastfeeding. I could not control the fact that my daughter had to learn to latch on or that my my milk supply was low and not fatty enough. I felt like I was failing at what was supposed to be the first and most natural thing a mother can do....feed her baby. See my Facebook Note for more on that trauma. I felt kind of isolated once my romanticized dream of breastfeeding went down the toilet. I didn't know anyone else had this struggle, but quickly learned they did. And once I asked for help I found out lots of great tricks to help me and felt like I should pass them on to other mom's in need. Now I'm always asking other mom friends, herbal pharmacists, and the Internet about what I can do to boost my family's immune systems naturally so as to be proactive against illnesses. And it has been working! My main resources for these things come from Dennis at the Flower Mound Pharmacy and Herbal Alternatives on Main Street and from my good friend, Sarah Heidler.
Here is what has helped us:
Probiotics - (Max and I swallow a capsule and the kids take the powder form in their drink every day.) I first started taking probiotics when Rhett was 4 weeks old because had a mild form or reflux. It helped him digest the breast milk a little better. That, along with wearing him upright in a sling and letting him sleep on his tummy seemed to cure him. We also use probiotics to get rid of the stomach bug faster. Instead of Pedialyte or Gatorade which are full of sugar, we all take a big scoop of probiotics mixed in some water. Last time we had the stomach bug we each threw up anywhere from only 1 time to 5 times then it was completely over. Then we replaced our electrolytes with Pedialyte or Gatorade. Basically, probiotics are the beneficial bacteria that live in your digestive tract. Literally translated, the word probiotic means “FOR LIFE”. The World Health Organization defines probiotics as “live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host” (that’s you). Probiotics Help You To: • Maintain healthy colon cells • Promote healthy immunity • Promote regularity • Promote detoxification of intestinal toxins • Manufacture digestive enzymes which help you digest food • Make use of nutrients, such as fiber, that would otherwise pass through the body undigested • Create an unfriendly environment for potentially harmful bacteria and yeast which in turn reduces ear infections and yeast infections.
Choosing the Right Probiotic Supplement: 1) Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus Balance 2) Choose an age specific supplement. 3) Proper Delivery Mechanism - Make sure that the probiotic you choose is either energetic coated or delivered through Bio-TractTM tableting. Both of these methods insure that the probiotics have the extra assistance needed to pass through the stomach enabling them to reach the small and large intestine where they are best utilized.
- The 3 P's for constipation - Pumpkin, Pears, & Probiotics - My dad 1st told me about giving pumpkin to my 6 month old daughter because he gives it to dogs at his veterinary clinic for the same reason. You mix up this tasty medley in some yogurt and kid will be cleansed :)
- Vitamin D3 - (Max and I take 1000 IUs in a capsule while the kids take 400 IUs as a chewable) The major biologic function of vitamin D is to maintain normal blood levels of calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin D3 helps maintain a strong immune system, supports cognitive function and brain health, a healthy heart and cardiovascular system, promotes healthy moods and well being throughout the year, energy levels and endurance, calcium's absorption and functions for teen's and children's healthy teeth and bones, prevents loss of bone mass, and treats bone disorders. It protects against adult and elderly muscle weakness and immune system issues, and lowers the risk of colon, breast, and prostate cancers. Vitamin D3 prevents/treats rickets, post menopausal osteoporosis. The vitamin also treats hypoglycemia, Multiple Sclerosis and the development of Type 1 diabetes.
- Cod Liver Oil - It is a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids which are great for the brain and neurological system. It also has four nutrients that are essential to our health: DHA, EPA, vitamin A, and vitamin D which in turn boost the immune system and actually helps prevent or reduce ear infections and yeast infections. It also helps with constipation. The kids take the strawberry flavor while we take Nordic Naturals Arctic soft gels. This also helps the kids poop when they are trying to hold it and not go for whatever reason.
- Organic Cleaning Solution - Natural Disinfectant Spray: Combine the following in a spray bottle, shake and spray.
- 2 cups water
- 1/4 cup vinegar (degrease)
- 1/4 tsp. Tea Tree oil (kills bacteria)
- 1/4 tsp. Lavender oil (kills mold)
- I also add Eucalyptus oil (a natural antiseptic and deodorizer) to this cleaning mixture.
- I wipe my wood furniture with straight Orange Oil on a rag.
- For windows just use water and vinegar. Leave out the oils because they will make it streak. Also, CostCo has an organic window cleaner.
- Sprinkle baking soda on tough shower scum, scuff marks, toilet rings, burnt dishes… and spray vinegar on it. It will bubble and fizz and scrub through anything so you can just wipe it clean.
- Eucalyptus and Tea Tree Oil in the Humidifier - Whenever my kids have a stuffy nose or cough from drainage I put just a few drops of each in their humidifier. It acts as one of those Vick's Vapor Plug Ins or like Mentholatum chest rub except it also helps kill the bacteria and disinfect and deodorize the room.
Emu Oil - is a natural moisturizer. I first used it on a few dry patches Rhett had on his back last winter and they were cleared up in 2 days. Then I used it on an accidental chemical burn I had and it healed quickly with out leaving a scar. It takes away the pain of the burn, and scarring and blistering are greatly reduced. Most wounds and surgical incisions heal much faster with emu oil. Professional athletes use emu oil in the locker room after games to soothe tired muscles and treat sports injuries. And those with inflammatory disorders like arthritis, tendinitis, bursitis, shingles and even fibromyalgia claim the oil and oil based pain relief formulations improves mobility and reduces pain in their muscles and joints better than other topical products.
Local Honey - Honey has powerful antimicrobial properties, which can soothe your raw tissues like a sore throat.Honey is a natural antiseptic. Honey contains antimicrobial agents, which prevents infections by killing the bacteria in and around your wounds. Many types of bacteria can’t survive in honey, so wounds heal, swelling eases, and tissue can grow back. Honey may also be effective in the treatment of your ulcers. Also, because Honey contains bits and pieces of pollen and honey it is a natural allergen reducer and an immune system booster. I heard The Rosemead Farmers Market and Greenhouse just east of March in Carrollton has Sunnyvale Local Raw/ Unfiltered Honey.
For Allergies and Sinus Infections:
D-Hist - (Max and I take 2 capsules in the morning and the kids take 1 chewable. If I'm having severe allergies that day then I will take 2 more in the evening) Used for the temporary relief of runny/stuffy nose, watery/itchy eyes, and itchy throat caused by allergies, hay fever, the common cold, and other breathing illnesses.
- Cinnamon, Clove, Thyme Oil - These 3 oils combined work as a natural antibiotic in preventing sinus infections. I have not had 1 sinus infection since doing this and my mom has not had any of her reoccurring sinus polyps return. My mom and I sniff these 3 oils using the Revlon Facial Sauna, but you can boil water over the stove, drop a few drops of each oil in, toss a towel over your head and the warm water and breathe them in that way too. All of this information came from It is very informative in explaining why nose spays are bad and why this really works. He makes a good point that if 'Normal' Antibiotics, Nasal Sprays, Decongestants, Sinus Irrigation, Sinus Surgery really worked then I wouldn't be reading his website. I've tried them all and don't work and my mom was sick of having surgery.
- Coconut Oil! This is my newest find. It is good for any and everything. It's like magic.
- Garlic Drops - for ear infections
- Congaplex is good for teething babies
- Unpasteurized milk -Max doesn't like the idea of shaking up his milk before he pours it.
- Tikva - my mom takes it for high blood pressure.
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