Tuesday, May 24, 2011

10k, 5k, 1k

On Saturday, May 21, we went to Graham, Tx. to run in the Run for the Children. My parents own property in Loving, Tx. which is about 45 minutes outside of Graham, not far from Jacksboro. They go up there alot to check on the sheep and fill the deer feeders and what not. I think this is the 5th year my brother has run in this race. He either wins or comes in 2nd every year. My dad has been wanting Kellyn to run in the little kid's fun run 1k race since last year. So we did it this year for the first time. 

Rhett showing off his race number.

The runners. My brother ran the 10k, I ran the 5k and the kids "ran" the 1k. 

Between races Rhett found this ally way between 2 buildings. Dad snapped this cool picture of it. 

Getting ready for the kid's fun run.

They lead the kids in stretching exercises.

Kellyn finishing the race with Joe-Joe. She was so proud of herself for running the whole time.

Rhett finishing the kid's race. When they gave him his ribbon he gave it back. 

Kellyn showing off her blue ribbon.

The crew on our corner.

Kellyn showing off her ribbon again. She said she ran the whole way and knees didn't even hurt. I had been complaining of knee pain in front of her. 

Jacob was the overall winner of the 10k. A reporter for the Graham newspaper even interviewed him.
I came in 5th in my age group in the 5k and had to ice my knee for 2 days.

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