Thursday, August 18, 2011

Banana, pumpkin, peach, beet, apricot, Nut Bread :)

This week my big girl and I made Breakfast Bread one day while the baby brother was taking a good long nap. I have a basic Banana Nut Bread recipe that my mother-in-law gave me that I just tweak a little and add things to. Beets are such an overlooked super food so I always try to sneak them into anything I can. And since we had just picked peaches the week before it was a given that peaches were going to be added to this bread recipe this time. And since dried apricots are a good source of iron I substituted those for raisins.

I did all the measuring and chopping and she did all the dumping. It is so fun to be cooking with her.

Rhett woke up from his nap just after we put the bread in the oven. They wanted to snuggle on the couch and watch a show while we waited for it to cook. So sweet. 

It's done! And you can't even tell all the stuff we snuck inside.

Of course we had to have some immediately. 
My kids like it with Sunbutter, bananas and honey on top.  
Take that Nutella! 
I see those ridiculous Nutella commercials about how a healthy, balanced breakfast is some Nutella on toast. NO THANK YOU! I will not give my child candy for breakfast. I heard they got sued for false advertising. Just read the back of the jar, people. You will see it is nothing but candy. Besides don't you realize Nutella is the same stuff you find inside those delicious Hazel Nut CANDY balls?
Sorry, I got a bit distracted for a second and went off on my soap box. Back to our Breakfast Bread. It makes 8 small loaves that we keep in the freezer then in the morning we warm it up, slice a few pieces, pop them in the toaster oven then top with our usual and serve with milk. Good energy booster and tummy filler. :)

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