Saturday, October 22, 2011

Road Trip All By Myself

My wonderful, life long, friend, Sarah Heidler, gave my name to her MOPS group in Austin as a suggestion for future speakers. Sure enough, they called me in August and invited me to give a presentation in October. Well, I love Sarah so of course I said yes immediately. Although, I had to charge a little more due to travel expenses. It gave me the excuse I was looking for to make the 4 hour trip to Austin to see her and her cute boys. 

On Wednesday night, the night before I was to leave for Austin, Rhett threw up at 9:30 p.m. So I braced myself for a rough night and prayed he got better before I was to leave Thursday afternoon. Well, he only got sick 1 more time at 2:00 a.m then woke up at 8:45 Thursday morning asking to watch Word World. He was fine. That was just a short bug, but I think the extra probiotics I had been giving him and all of us since Kellyn got sick a few days ago helped. We took Kellyn to preschool then I stayed home with him all morning reading him books and playing cars with him and trying to force water down him. He didn't eat much, but that was to be expected. I put him down for his nap at 1:00, my mom came over, and I went to pick Kellyn over at 2:00. Then I was on the road by 2:45! 

I was in the car all by myself for 4 hours! It was so awesome to listen to whatever music I wanted to instead nursery rhymes, Veggie Tales, or Kindermusik. I was rockin' to 80's hairbands, '90's country, and current rock/ pop music. It was so fun. Then as I drove through Waco and past Baylor while listening to all the songs of my youth I got a little reminiscent. I began to think of all the good times I had with my girlfriends in those Baylor door rooms at Cheer leading camp each summer and how neat it was to get to cheer in Floyd Casey Stadium when our high school football team went to State. And we always ate at The Elite Cafe. Then as I began to hear songs that reminded me of college and how Max and I used to dance to those songs at Hurricane Harry's and The Hall of Fame. Which then drifted my mind to the good times I had with my college roommates. As I drove through Belton I remembered the time I visited my cousin at Mary Hardin-Baylor. I thought of the times when I was really young and my mom used to meet my aunt half way at the Dr. Pepper Museum so I could either go stay with my cousins in Round Rock or they could come home with us. Yes, I-35 holds many memories for me. It was nice to have clear and complete thoughts in the silence of the car. I even cried when the song "Three Wooden Crosses" came on. I hadn't listened to country in a long time. It was so great to hear George Straight and Brooks and Dunn again. I heard Diamond Rio sing the old song "Meet in the Middle" and thought about how Max and I dated long distance for over 2 years. It was really fun traveling that long by myself with no interruptions.  

Then that night Sarah and I stayed up talking and watching the Ranger's beat the Cardinals in the 2nd game of the World Series. On Friday morning we went to her MOPS group where I presented on Teaching Children Respect. Afterwards we went to lunch and Baby Acapulco's and got this delicious chicken tortilla soup. At this point I realized I hadn't taken any pictures to document my Alone Time Trip and visit with Sarah. So we had our waiter take this one. 

Sarah's son, Noah, is only 10 months old, but the same size as my 2 year old! He is the cutest, chubbiest baby boy ever. He seems really easy going too and let me hold him while his mom got ready in the morning. Her oldest son, Asher, was at his grandparents house. 

Sarah and I have been friends since the 4th grade and I just think that was so sweet of her to suggest me to her moms group. She is just that kind of friend, always thinking of others. We still talk on the phone a lot, but I miss her and really wish she lived closer so we could hang out and have play dates and our kids could become friends. I look to her for all my herbal alternatives advice and healthy food advice. She is so knowledgeable in these areas. I need her here to walk me through it, but at least we have the phone. 

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