Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Second Garden

I blogged about our first garden that I built back in the Spring. And now we have the money for a second garden! I like calling it The Second Garden because it sounds like The Secret Garden :)
Rhett just enjoying the feel of fresh dirt on his feet. 

It quickly became the fun dirt box.

The day after I planed everything it rained! And has continue to rain a little about once a week! So it is looking pretty good. 

Look how well our first garden is doing! The basil and tomato bushes have gone wild. I Planted 2 tomato plants back in May, but then the summer of 2011 hit and tomatoes cannot grow in 110 degrees weather. So here we are in October with our first tomatoes!! The kids are so excited and proud of what they have grown! But now I have to cover them tonight because it might freeze. Texas weather is so unbelievable and unpredictable. 

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