Monday, November 7, 2011

The 1st week of November

I don't know what to say about this post except it is a hodge podge of random pics that I would have normally saved until the end of the month to publish as November Nonsense or something like that, but there were so many silly pics already that I had to post them early.

Rhett was so determined to wake his sister up for preschool the morning after Trick or Treating. He kept saying, "Wake up! Wake Up!" "Sissy, preschool, Sissy preschool." It was so cute, but she kept on sleeping like a teenager. She even got out of bed to go to the restroom then got back in bed. 

On Tuesday morning Rhett wanted to wear his camo jacket and camo hat. He said, "Me go hunting with Uncle Jacob." haha!

That same afternoon, while Kellyn was in preschool, Rhett and I went to Target to hit the "Day After Halloween Costume Sales." While we were there we found the Buzz Light Year pajamas on sale. He just had to wear them while we played outside. 

Kellyn created a "bird house out of a toy microwave. She was so proud of it she asked me to take her picture by it. 

This is Kellyn creating her own Thank You notes. I wrote what she told me plus some and she used the stamp set she got as a gift to decorate each card. 

On Thursday Rhett went to the Kroger with me. It was cold that morning so he insisted on wearing his overalls, rain boots, monkey hat and sunglasses. If you look close you can see the toy hammer he hung in his overalls. He said, "Me farmer." He really was a big help at the grocery store. Although, we did get a few chuckles and double takes. No worse than when I would go to Kroger with Kellyn and she would dress up like a princess on a freezing cold day in full poofy gown, tiara, leggings, long sleeve turtle neck underneath and rain boots. 

On Friday, Nov. 4, night we went to one of Max's cousin's, Brooke's wedding. The grooms cake was a beer cooler! haha!

We had fun getting dressed up and going out alone with no kids. 

Then on Saturday I hosted Amy's baby shower at my house and also got sick while Max was out of town hunting, but at least the kids were at my parents house.

So to end it out as a good weekend though, on Sunday night, we went to Life Group at our friend's house. While we, the adults, met downstairs, the babysitter watched the kids upstairs and played outside some too. I asked Kellyn who she played with and if she was happy she got to play with some of her friends. She said, "I only played with Rhett. I played with my friends some, but mostly Rhett. He needed me so he wouldn't cry. He is my best friend you know and I love playing with my best friend." 
Oh, be still a mother's heart. Isn't that just what you dream of hearing when you first find out you are pregnant with their sibling? 

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