Saturday, April 7, 2012

Kellyn's Preschool Class Easter Party

At the very beginning of the year I rush to find the party sign up list. I want to be sure no one else has a chance to take East. :) I always sign up to host the Easter party. It is my favorite holiday and celebration of the year! I love hosting it!

Egg hunt on the playground. That is Kellyn's best friend in class, Haley. 

After the egg hunt I read this sweet Christian poem about Jesus and jelly beans. 

Then the kids decorated paper eggs that had the meaning of each color on the back.

They used stickers and markers to decorate their bunny and eggs while the siblings just decorated a giant card stock egg. 

Daddy came to the party!

Party favors.
Bag of Cheddar Bunnies that looked like carrots, Easter egg filled with a copy of the poem and the 8 colors of jelly beans, glitter glue.


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