Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Finally Home, Sunday, 02/02/14

Honestly, I thought 02/02/14 would be Bo's birthday. It is Super Bowl Sunday, Groundhog Day, and the day Max proposed. Plus it's all even numbers. But no, we ended up with the not so pretty 01/31/14. Oh well, God chose his birthday, not me, and it's just perfect. 

When we got home our first visitor was my brother, Jacob. He looks so thrilled to be holding his new nephew. Max is an only child and my brother isn't married so he's all they got. We are so excited to see him more when he moves to Weatherford. He currently lives in Aspermont, Tx, but Weatherford is a big city compared to Aspermont. He is even going to buy a house and stay a while.  We are looking forward to the Peach Festival Weatherford this summer. 

Side note: Soon after we got home about 51 hours after delivery I started feel chills and feverish. My temperature was 100 degrees and my body was shaking so bad. I got in bed about 3:00 fully clothed, wrapped in a robe with piles of blankets on top of me. I could not stop trembling. While I napped Max ran out to get my prescription Motrin filled. I woke up about 4:30 and felt better and my milk had come in with a vengeance! I guess my hormones were changing and threw my body into slight shock. Later that night, at the 3:00 a.m. feeding, my chills and fever came back, but then went away for good that morning. This is by far the soonest my milk has ever come in. 

We brought Bo home from the hospital on Super Bowl Sunday!

Since I was feeling better Max and the kids left about 5:00 p.m. to watch the game and play at The Whittle's house. They were all fed and tired out. Check and check! Meanwhile, Bo and I stayed home to watch the game and sleep. 

Also, how sweet is it that the day we brought our 3rd born home from the hospital was the same day Max asked me to marry him. Max proposed after the Mardi Gras Beach 5k in Galveston on 02/02/02. Who knew that 12 years later we would be bringing home our 3rd baby. Praising God for this wonderful man, exciting journey, and complete family. 

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