When you have 3 kids plans tend to change. We had intended, planned, packed and prepped to drive to Houston on Friday, September 24, to watch our friends (my college roomie and her husband) dunk their new, replacement Aggie Rings (their original ones had been stolen). If you aren't an Aggie you have no idea what I'm talking about or why it's a big deal, big enough to drive 5+ hours in a minivan with 2 big kids and a baby then drive 5+ hours back. We were excited and ready to go. It wasn't just a ring dunking party it was also a house warming party. Our friends had just moved into a nice, big, new house with a pool and were going to get to show it off for the first time to everyone. I hadn't seen my old rookie in 2 years and was really looking forward it and the kids were excited about seeing their friends and swimming in their new pool, but then on Thursday, the day before we were supposed to leave Bo started showing signs of a sinus or ear infection. At almost 8 months old he was catching his first cold and of course we would be in Houston dealing with it. Bad timing! Then Rhett started coughing so we decided not to go. :( But it was fine. Our friends had a super busy weekend planned in addition to their party and we weren't going to get to spend all that much quality, catching up time with them anyways, but I still wanted to see her. :(
So sitting around Friday night we were talking and checking email and saw that the Aggies were going to March-In in downtown Ft. Worth on Saturday morning and that all the museums in Ft. Worth were FREE on Saturday thanks to District Day. We never go to Ft. Worth for much of anything except to see Max's grandmother, but we decided to go. We could watch the March-In at 9:00 then by the time it was over we could be at the Children's Museum just they opened at 10:00. It sounded good on paper, but could we pull it off? Max and I packed lunched and snacks Friday night and set our alarms so we could leave the house by 7:50 a.m. And with only a few slight hiccups along the way we did it!
At little brainwashing early in the morning never hurt anyone. |
Then just as planned we headed straight to the Ft. Worth Children's Museum! I'm embarrassed to say I had never been there before. We tend to do everything in Dallas because it's closer, but Ft. Worth has a lot of great stuff to offer.
Kellyn kept returning to the "baby nursery" :) |
A great, natural smile from Rhett! |
Dino Dig outside. |
I LOVED this quote by Albert Einstein so much I made them get their picture in front of it. |
spining! |
Giant Light Bright in the background! |
Bo slept really well in the Flight Room where there were lots of loud fans whirling. |
Lots of fun water play. |
Sweet brothers building. |
It was indeed a fun day had by all. Bo was exhausted, but was trooper and never really complained. He slept a long time once we got home at 3:00. Speaking of getting home...the moment we pulled into the driveway and walked into the garage Max's phone rang. It was parents. Their truck had broken down outside of Bridgeport on their way to the property in Loving. They had my brother's puppy with them and were hauling a trailer full of deer corn. The Triple A guy wouldn't take them because they had a dog with them. After long tiring day Max had to immediately leave, drive to my parents house in Bartonville, get the other truck, drive an hour+ out to Bridgeport, pick up parents, dog, and trailer, drive back to my parents, help them unload and eat, then come home. Needless to say he was worn out. Glad we didn't go to Houston after all because they didn't have anyone else to call!
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