Oh how things have changed since last Christmas Break!
First off Priscilla turned 3 months old on December 17.
In many different outfits. :)
Until she fell asleep. Which she was doing through the night the entire month of December!

On December 11 we saw Santa inside this giant tree at The Shops of Highland Village. Zero wait time! We usually go to Bass Pro Shops in Grapevine because it is free, but it takes about 2 hours and a team of us. This year we opted for not free, but fast. Then went on a carriage ride and out to dinner at Snuffers.(which is a challenge with 4 kids and not something we will do very often.) #giantchair#insidethetree #merrychristmas #onlyonecriedthisyear

Oh Rhett and his baby! They are just too sweet together.
And here is this month's money shot!
The big kids were home and requested gingerbread cookies yet this little candy cane was the only one that would help me mix the dough...and taste test it. :)
I should mention that on the very first day of Christmas break Kellyn was doing a toe touch in her room barefoot and sprained her ankle. :(
Priscilla enjoyed her first Ugly Sweater party at my friend's Kraig and Robin's house.
OH my sweet boys!
They jumped and played in the pile of leaves that their sister and daddy had just racked up.
We went to dinner one night at Momma's Daughter's Diner and like most dinners I had to wear Priscilla. I used to have to do this with Rhett too. :)
Rhett had a friend over and we made gingerbread ninjas! Then played at the park. It was very warm Christmas break.
Thank you BellaGirl Clothing for this precious dress! It fits Priscilla perfectly and Kellyn loves that you threw in a matching bow for her! Thank you, Jennifer Patterson, for entering me in the drawing to WIN this dress! What a great Christmas gift. Now I have the cutest baby on the block. We spent most of the day outside in the Texas heat because that's how we do December here. :)
My girls now!
And then
Looks like we just repeated Christmas 2006. I can't believe I kept so many of Kellyn's 1st year outfits, but so glad I did now. These sisters do not look alike. Kellyn looks like Bo while Priscilla looks like Rhett.
And this is how I spend my day. With this one on me.
I love wearing my babies especially when they suck their thumb as sweetly as this.
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