Monday, April 4, 2016

Cousins on Christmas! 2015

When we showed up at my parents' house on Christmas Day we saw my cousin Brent, and his family there! They drove in from Round Rock to surprise Maw-maw and the rest of us. My mom knew, but didn't tell anyone. They spend the night at Maw-maw's little house across from dad's Veterinary clinic. This is my cousin's daughter, Lainey, holding Priscilla the day after Christmas. Lainey hung out with us all day while her parents hung out with Maw-maw. My brother, Jacob, took Bryce and Rhett to Academy to spend gift cards and then out to my parents' house to play video game whatever they did. 
That evening I took Kellyn, Lainey, and Priscilla with me to the At Home store to hit their after Christmas sale. While we were there my other cousin, Lauren, called told us her and her family were on the way to surprise us and Maw-maw too so her oldest daughter, Lindsey, and Lainey were texting back and forth how close they were. It began raining and we got in the car just before it down poured. I drove all of us home in a terrible wind and rain. I was actually a little scared how hard the wind the blowing and how little I could see, but I didn't let on. By the time we made it back home safely my cousin, Brent, his wife, Poppy, were there with Maw-maw and BBQ. Soon after my brother finally showed up with my 6 year old and my cousin's teenage son. Rhett was visibly upset. He had tried to hold it in and look tough in front of the guys, but the weather really scared him and he just wanted to get home. He said he heard on the radio in Uncle Jacob's truck that a tornado had been spotted. 
Then my cousin, Lauren, and her 3 girls showed up and mass chaos broke lose. 

So fun and special to all be together. 

That night it was some how decided that all the girls would stay at my house. So in addition to my 4 kids I had 4 more. Kellyn loved all the girl time. They stayed up almost until midnight. They were so giddy they couldn't calm down and go to sleep. 
The next morning my brother brought us all doughnuts!

My cousin's daughter, Kayla, holding Bo. 
We watched on the news that morning that 11 tornados touched down in the D/FW area. Garland and Roulette got hit the hardest around others, but our area was fine. My cousin, Lauren said they got in some bad traffic headed home because of all the down trees and power lines from the storms. It took them 6 hours to get home when it usually takes 3!

My brother was so happy to see his 2nd cousins and nieces and nephews. :)
Where were my parents during all of this. Well, the day after Christmas they got up in the we morning hours and drove to El Paso with a huge storage trailer to clean out Gran's house to get it ready to sell. And while they were there it snowed more than my dad had ever seen in his entire life that he grew up there. Crazy Texas weather all over the state this December. 

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