Monday, April 4, 2016

New Year's Eve 2015! Ringing in 2016!

On December 31 we packed our bags to get ready to go to my parents' property in Loving, Tx. They took the big kids that afternoon then Max and I met them up there the next day with the babies. 
My camo kids packing in Kellyn's room. :)

When they got there that evening they found snow! This was my parents' 2nd time to see snow in a week and I never saw any once this year. 

Since we still had 2 kids left at home with us we didn't have a lot of options for celebrating the New Year, but they are so cute and sweet. Oh how things have changed since last New Year's Eve! In the interest of full disclosure...I didn't get pregnant this New Year's Eve. Winning!

We rang in in the New Year with our friend, Amy and Jason and their daughter, Lauren! Thank you Amy and Jason, for coming over and entertaining us. So glad we've been friends for so long. Here's to another year of friendship! We were in bed by 10:00. :)

If you had told me 3 years ago I would have 2 more babies I would have called you crazy, but after 2 miscarriages in 2013 our bonus baby arrived in 2014 then in 2015 God surprised us beyond all belief with a precious princess. Happy New Year!
I would call my 2015 the year of tears. I shed many in the beginning and many more in the end. It's been the year of change. This year has brought so much joy and sorrow at the same time. It's been great and terrible. It's been scary and comforting. It's been one wild roller coaster of a ride and probably our toughest year, but through it all God has showered us with grace, mercy, forgiveness, and peace. Praying for more of the same. Happy New Year!

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