Saturday, August 13, 2016

The Busiest Week of the Summer!

Well it's here that 1 crazy week where everyone has something at the same time. Our busiest week of the summer, the last week of June. The week each kid had a summer camp to attend. Kellyn had horse camp, Rhett had baseball camp, Bo had his first swim lessons! This week was only made possible by my mom helping me out with all this. Divide and conquer. It was neat to see Kellyn riding a horse like me and Rhett playing baseball like Max. 

It was insane! Monday - Wednesday
8:20 - begin loading Rhett and Priscilla into my mini van.
8:30 - my mom arrives to take Kellyn to horse camp. She takes Bo with her. I leave to take Rhett to camp in Lewisville with Priscilla in tow. 
8:50 - walk Rhett to the baseball field while carrying Priscilla. It's already blazing hot.
9:00 - head back to the house. 
9:45 - my mom arrives back at my house with Bo. I change him into his swim suit and we head to the  rec center for his swim lessons. My mom stays at my house with Priscilla for her morning nap.
10:00 - Bo's swim lessons begin. 
10:50 - Bo's swim lessons end.
11:15 - My mom feeds Bo lunch while I nurse Priscilla.
11:30 - I leave my house with Priscilla to go pick up Rhett while my mom stays and puts Bo down for a nap.
12:00 - I pick up Rhett from the baseball field. 
12:30 - I arrive back at home. My mom leaves. Rhett eats lunch.
1:30 - Priscilla goes down for an afternoon nap.
3:00 - my mom picks up Kellyn from horse camp in Roanoke. 
3:30 - Kellyn and my mom arrive at my house. 
Rest, cook dinner, swim, Max comes home, rinse, wash, repeat. :)
And that's how we do it with 4 kids! Boom! Basically we live near my parents to make our life easier.   
This went on for only 3 days. Baseball camp was over on Wednesday then swim lessons were over on Thursday so Rhett and my mom and Priscilla all joined us for the last day of swim lessons then stayed and played at the water park at the Flower Mound CAC. We were home by 12:30 for naps then my mom went to get Kellyn. On Friday we all took her to her last day of horse camp to see the horse she had been riding then my mom picked her up. 

Kellyn took her boots off when she got home from horse camp so Bo put them on. 
Cutest 2 year old ever!
They took pictures for us at horse camp so I got all these sweet pics of Kellyn in her element. I however, did not take any of Bo at his first swim lessons or of Rhett on the baseball field. :(

She said she had a great time riding, making a craft, swimming, and watching a movie.

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