Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Halloween Weekend Festivities

The next day after the pumpkin patch, Saturday, Oct. 30, we went to my dad's veterinary clinic for their annual trick or treating party!

Here you will find Secret Agent Lucy Wilde with a baby minion.

My cousin, Patrick and his wife, Amanda, and baby Paidaic came! 
So did Dedra and Doyen and their 4 kids! 
Gru was not with us as he was still at a PT conference in Ft. Worth. :(
Maw-maw helped hand out candy. Her birthday was the next day!
My dad, Dr. Shaffer, Darth Vadar in the surgery room handing out candy.

After trick or treating we had chic fil a. Bo and Priscilla were most interested in the candy bucket. 

My friend Dedra's baby is only a few days younger than Priscilla and my cousin, Patrick's, baby, is about 6 weeks younger. 
Sully, Minion, and Tinker Bell.

Kellyn and Rhett high on candy.
Thank you, Maw-maw, for catching that crazy purple minion. We went back to her house after for cake and ice cream to celebrate her birthday!

The next day was, Sunday, October 30, Maw-maw's actual birthday, but also the day of Trunk or Treat at The Village Church! We did our best to get a family pic with the sung glaring in our faces. As you can see the girls stuck with our minion theme, but the boys went rouge as a black ninja and Captain America. :)

I found a hoola hoop!

Kellyn and Rhett then Rhett and Bo. Once again my sweet Rhett is so the middle child. 

Super fun time trunk or treating and playing games and chatting with friends new and old. It was so crowded, but we didn't lose anyone! 

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