Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday is Here!!

Easter is my most favorite holiday
April is my favorite month and Spring is my favorite season. And it is here. It is finally here!

OK, so last night we tried to put everyone to bed early including ourselves because we knew we were all going to get up super early to go to the 8:00 a.m. church service. We had to leave our house by 7:15 which is what time the kids normally wake up. However, there was a terrible wind storm on Saturday night. The thunder scared Rhett a little, but he was able to go sleep. But at 11:00 p.m our power went out. Now, for a normal family is probably not that big of a deal in the middle of the night, but for us it was big problem. We all sleep with fans in our room for white noise. The kids have little ones on the floor by their beds and Max and I have a big box fan that is quite loud. So we woke up immediately when our fan went off. We were just praying the kids were in a deep enough sleep to not notice and they were for a while, but after about an hour Rhett woke up crying so rocked him back to sleep only to have him wake up again at which time we brought him to our bed. He was in no mood to sleep. He just wanted to sit and talk and ask for milk, but he was whispering. The power did not come back on until 1:00 a.m. Right before that we remembered that we had small hand held, battery powered fans so we put Rhett back to bed and he was able to sleep. The power came back on about 10 minutes after that.  We had set our alarms for 5:45, but since the power went out they did not go off. I just jolted up at 6:30 and got everyone up and showered and we made out of the house by 7:25.
But before we left Kellyn wanted to open the last Resurrection Egg. I didn't mind being a little late for that. It was so cute because as I was reading about egg #12 she dropped the egg and popped open. She started to get a little sad and look around for something on the floor. When I stopped reading to ask, "What was in the egg? Was it empty? Where you shocked to find nothing in the egg just like Mary was shocked to not find Jesus in the tomb?" She began to smile and said yes. It was so cute to see her facial expression to change from shock and fear to joy and laughter much like Mary Magdalene and the disciples.

Max's parents joined us at church.

After church we all went to breakfast together at The Egg and I. Our friends Al and Holly and their kids joined us.

Looks like Hudson is giving Rhett a lesson in fashion.

Kellyn and Presley

After we got home we died Easter Eggs.
The night before, I boiled the eggs and wrote a letter on each egg in a clear crayon. So when we died them a letter appeared. Kellyn had fun identifying each letter then we helped her put them in the correct order for a special Easter message.

After nap time we went out to my parent's house for their annual egg hunt. Our Egg Hunt #3.


Kellyn was so excited to find a pink egg!! Actually she would only pick up pink and purple eggs. She passed on all the others.

And there's Rhett and Lilly pretty much doing nothing. How could I have one kid so excited and smiley about everything and then one so laid back and quiet?

 Caden, Landry, Kylie, Charlie, Kellyn and Rhett

The kids and the parents. The Wardlaw's, Dixon's and Patterson's.
Uncle Jacob hangin' with his only niece and nephew on the trampoline at the end of the day before he heads back to Centerville.

So now I'm exhausted and ready for a good night's sleep, but I hear thunder and see lightning yet again. But the good news....

He is Risen and I am Forgiven!!

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