Sunday, May 8, 2011

Beautiful Butterflies!

And 10 days later on Tuesday, May 3, our first 2 butterflies emerged!

Three more hatched the next day.

Here is a view looking down into our butterfly pavilion. It said they like watermelon and oranges. Plus I bought a Butterfly Feeder.

I love TJ Max!! I went there looking for a birthday gift for a 2 year old and happened upon this awesome Butterfly Sorting Set by Insect Lore which is who we bought the caterpillars from. You just never know what you will find there.  

During Rhett's nap time Kelly and I played with them.
She sorted them into piles of egg, caterpillar, cocoon, butterfly,

        She found all the eggs then covered them with the matching leaf to, "keep them warm."

She placed all the butterflies on the matching flower so, "they could get a drink." Then she made a pattern and put the flowers on top of the butterflies to,"be their blanket." Do you sense a nurturing theme here? :)

After we got done sorting and counting we went to check on the cocoons and 1 more hatched during that short amount of time. I was so frustrated because I wanted to film it actually hatching, but alas it happened too quickly.

But then on Friday morning after everyone woke up we all walked into the kitchen and saw a butterfly emerging. I grabbed my camera as soon as I could.

Then on Sunday, May 8, Mother's Day and my birthday, the last butterfly emerged. So that night after everyone left from the days celebrations and after bath time when it was cooler outside we released all 10 butterflies near our butterfly bush.

It was so fun and educational, thank you butterflies for all the joy and enterainment. :)

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