Friday, July 1, 2011

Glen Rose: Day 3 and 4 - Fossil Rim, Footprints, Farwell

We got to Fossil Rim right as the gates were opening. Max made us all leave the house by 7:45 thinking we could go an early morning tour and see more animals, but we found out later that was for lodge guests only. We had 45 minutes to kill before doors opened to buy tickets. So we watched the buffalo up close by the fence, looked at all the turtles in the pond and walked around. This was when Kellyn first saw her ostrich egg. More about that at the end. 

 The racks on the these deer were amazing!!

Kellyn and Rhett sat upfront with us so they could see better and feed the animals easier. 

There was a food place, gift shop and petting zoo half way through. So we stopped to stretch and pet the animals. Max is as tall as White Rhino and Kellyn is as tall as a Zebra. Rhett is only as tall as a Cheetah.

More giant racks then the piece de resistance...

The Giraffes and Zebras!!!

Ok this part was so sad for Max. The entire trip all he wanted to do was feed the giraffe. That's why we got there so early so he was still be hungry in the morning. So we had great success feeding the zebras for good long time and we saw lots of giraffes. This was stranding like only 2 feet from our car, but these moose kept putting their heads in and eating. They kind of scared Rhett. So Max kept trying to move the moose and get the giraffes attention and he would look down at us every now and then and he moved one foot and by now the moose seemed full and were not rushing the car as much, but we still could not get this dang giraffe to eat from our hand. Well finally our friends were driving up behind us and we didn't want to be blocking the line of cars so we gave up and drove on only to see in the rear view mirror  the giraffe eating from our friend's car not but a few seconds after we leave. Max was so upset. He put it in reverse and sat there and watched as our friend enjoyed the fruits of Max's hard labor get that giraffe ready to eat. I felt so bad for him, but happy for our friends. It was pretty silent for rest of tour in the car.

At then end of the tour we got out to buckle the kids back in their seats when Kellyn said she wanted to see her ostrich egg one last time. We went over to the fence and she began talking to it and blowing kisses to it and praying to God to help it be a good ostrich when it hatches. It was the cutest, funniest thing I had ever seen. When asked what was your favorite part of the whole trip she says, "My ostrich egg." Really?! Not the dinosaurs, not all the exotic animals eating out of your hand, not playing in the river where dinosaurs once walked, not playing with your friend Isaac? Nope, just the ostrich egg. Needless to say, I think we will be making our own paper mache ostrich egg back at home soon. 

Later that evening
After dinner in, we went to Dinosaur State Park to see the famous tracks. And they did not disappoint, although, we didn't stay too long because my kids were getting tired and it was so so so hot. But because  it was so hot and dry we were able to see everything so clearly. 

Kellyn and Rhett found some snails in a puddle.

Can I just say that seeing and reading about these prints in their natural location was amazing for me. I've seen pictures of dinosaur tracks and seen them in a museum before, but this was a whole new way of looking at them. It was amazing to see how huge they were up close and personal like that and just the thought of me walking where they once walked was overwhelming. Why did God even create such a huge beast? They obviously didn't make it on the Ark. Where they in the Garden of Eden? What purpose did they serve? All of God's creations are amazing, but these things called dinosaurs were unbelievably amazing!  What a nice gift God gave us by preserving these footprints of animals he created so long ago for me to be able to see today. He allowed them to step deep into that soft, thick, sticky mud that would harden over time to perfectly preserve and prove that they were here. Just another way God shows us how awesome He is and much in control of this world He is. 
Then I look at my tiny son who is the size of one those tracks and has only been on this planet for 2 years and think how much God loves him and cares for him and wonder what plans God has for him. 

"Lord of all creation

Of water, earth, and sky
The heavens are Your tabernacle
Glory to the Lord on High

God of wonders, beyond out galaxy
You are holy, holy
The universe declares Your majesty
You are holy, holy

Lord of heaven and earth

Early in the morning
I will celebrate the light
And as I stumble through the darkness
I will call Your name by night

Hallelujah to the Lord of heaven and earth"

Day 4 - Bye, bye.

Group pick down on the dock by the river. Kid pick in front of the house. 

Asher (16 months) Rhett (2) Kellyn (4 1/2) Isaac (4)
Kellyn and Isaac are exactly 6 months apart. October 12 and April 12 are their birthdays. Kellyn's 1/2 birthday is Isaac's birthday and Isaac's 1/2 birthday is Kellyn's birthday. Isn't that neat.

Ahhh, the lazy days of summer, wish they could all be spent on a front porch swing. 

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