Friday, October 28, 2011

Cold Front, Costumes and Coco!

 On Thursday, Oct. 26, Kellyn had her costume parade at preschool. Her she is dressed in her Alice in Wonderland dress that Mimi and Joe-Joe bought her. Yes, she is the tallest in her class. No surprise there since after going to the doctor this week for her 5 year check up he estimated that she could end up being 5' 10" tall. I am only 5' 7"! 

After leaving Kellyn's preschool Rhett and I made quick trip to the grocery store before heading to Bible study. The cold front blew in last night so it was chilly and a misting a little outside. Rhett was so happy to get to wear his raincoat. He wears his rain boots everyday so that's nothing big. While at the grocery store, he begged me for the box of blueberries in his hand like a kid begs for a toy or candy in the check out line. 

After Bible study we went back home to eat lunch before picking up Kellyn from preschool, but first Rhett wanted to put on some warm pj's for some reason. He saw the only pair of footed jamies he has and wanted to put them on. He was so excited to be wearing them!

Time to go pick up Sissy. Yep, we went to pick her up dressed like this. I think he loves cold weather so he can wear footed pj's and his monkey hat. :)

That evening around 5:30 it began to rain a cold rain. So of course my kids wanted to go play in it. When they came back inside they wear cold so we decided it was a good night for hot chocolate. This is them drinking it through straws. Love how Kellyn has begun to cross her legs now when she sits. 

Also that night I baked a butternut squash for dessert. It got this idea from Sarah Heidler. When I went to Austin to visit her she had baked pumpkin seasoned with spices for dessert. So I baked butternut squash and mixed in a good amount of cinnamon and honey. I felt like I was making baby food, but then I topped it with whipped cream and sprinkles so it was seem for dessert like and yummy to the kids. It worked! Vegetables for dessert!  All in all a pretty fun and silly day here in the Dixon home....
until Max and I settled in to watch Game 6 of the World Series. We thought our Texas Rangers were finally about to win their 2nd chance a World Series titled and they almost did, but in the 11th inning the Cardinals won. :(  It was a very late night all for nothing.

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