Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pals and Pumpkins

Friday ended up being busy! We started off the morning going to Rhett's playgroup. He was so excited to go to his playgroup for once and not Kellyn's. It was so fun to see all the 2 year olds running around and playing, but still ignoring each other. ha! Here is Rhett playing trains with Brett. Rhett pretty much stayed at the train table the whole time. 
We had to leave a little early to get to Kellyn's dance class in time. Then while at dance class I got a call from Gina and her and Charlotte decided to come over and play!

Rhett and Charlotte are only 11 days apart.  Isn't she just the cutest Dorothy? :)  Rhett called himself a farmer all day. He does kind of look like he is resting from a hard day's work. :)

They had fun mowing the grass together and playing with Kellyn in the playhouse and bouncing on the trampoline.

Soon after Charlotte left we got ready to go to the pumpkin patch. 
Kellyn loves the hay maze! 

We met my friend, Jennifer Wardlaw, and her family there. Kellyn and Rhett both wanted to sit by Caden on the hayride. 

Rhett had fun pulling pumpkins in the wagon.

Kellyn had fun pulling Rhett in the wagon.

She pulled him all around and he seemed to enjoy the ride.

Group shot! Love how Landry is checkin' out Rhett. She is too cute.
Afterwards we all went to eat together at Christina's. Then hurried home to watch game 7 of the World Series. I will never forget the eery way Max acted during the game. He was very calm, quiet, not yelling, hitting or kicking. It was very strange. He put his robe on and came in and out of the room occasionally. He just said there was no since in getting himself all worked up over it because either way baseball was over and he would be glad to get off the emotional roller coaster. But I know he was very depressed when the Ranger's lost. It was sad and disappointing. 

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