Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sneaky Treats

I keep a bag of frozen, pureed broccoli, beets and butternut squash in the freezer at all times, the 3 B's. These vegetables are so good for you yet my kids won't eat them any more. I made all their baby food thought they would forever be good, healthy eaters, but alas, that all changed once they became toddlers and free will kicked in. So now I sneak it in on them.

Here are some broccoli and beet cubes that I thawed and snuck into banana nut bread. 

We use 1 beet cube to cool off hot oatmeal. As it melts it turns the oatmeal pink then red. For Kellyn we call it Pink Princess Oatmeal. For Rhett we call it Red Rocket Oatmeal. I love it when they ask for red oatmeal for breakfast. 

These are what we call Energy Balls. I found the recipe on Pinterest called No-Bake Energy Bites. The only thing I do different is substitute Chia Seeds for fennel seeds. The kids love them and Max takes a few on the road with him for work since doing home health doesn't allow him time to stop somewhere to snack. 

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