Saturday, May 5, 2012

Baby Lauren

My friend's husband got a job 2 weeks ago which means I became a nanny. It came at a really good time for us since Max just started up his own business we needed the extra money. But it has been hard. Amy and I used to teach together and she asked me to keep Lauren during the spring semester, but when her husband lost his job he became a stay at home dad. 
Going for a walk to the park on our first day. They both wanted to push the stroller. 
Lauren's first craft time.

Baby Lauren is now 5 months old and what a blessing it was that Jason was able to stay home with her for the first few months of her life considering she had severe colic and reflux. I could not have done it for months. With the way it worked out I will only be babysitting her 8:00 to 5:00, 5 days a week for 5 weeks, just until the school year ends and Amy is home for the summer. 

I wore her on me for about 5 hours a day the 1st week. 
By the time I got her she was over the colic, but still screamed a lot, only napped about 20 minutes at a time, could only go an hour and a half between feedings, only took 2 ounces each feeding, and had to be held all day. She did best when I wore her upright in the sling. What's that sound like? You guessed it. This baby still had bad reflux. Her parents said they gave her reflux medicine a few months ago when she also had colic, but it didn't seem to do any good so they quit giving it to her. By the 4th day I was having a break down and needed them to come get her. They took her to the doctor that night and she gave them a prescription for reflux medicine! 

Lauren was screaming the entire way to preschool. My poor babies just had to look away. 
She has been a completely different baby since. She has been able to go 2 1/2 to 3 hours between feedings and take between 4 to 6 ounces each time. She doesn't scream anymore and doesn't have to take a bottle to fall asleep. Now I give her a bottle and a little over an hour later she is ready for a nap so I put her in the sling and she falls asleep so I transfer her to the pac N play. She sleeps anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours. She just seems like she feels so much better and is definitely happier now. That first week was hard on all of us. Rhett couldn't nap because she screamed the whole time and I was so worn our and cranky at the end of the day. But week 2 (on medicine) has gone so much smoother. Rhett has napped, Lauren is on a schedule, and I'm not angry in the evenings now. 

Now Kellyn has fun making her smile in the car. 

I have to say that despite all the screaming and monopolizing of my time, my kids have been troopers and been so sweet and kind to Lauren. They love holding her and helping her. They have done so well playing independently and not getting upset about it all. They have certainly adapted well to their new surroundings and I'm so proud of them for it. 

We took Lauren to story time at the Library then went to feed the swans. They had babies! She cried as soon as she woke up and the whole way home. 

She loves watching bubbles as much as the kids love blowing bubbles!

The few times I could set her down have been only for a few minutes in the Bumbo. She had fun watching Kellyn do her chore of putting away the silverware and, yes, Rhett is kissing her foot. He kisses her a lot. 

When Kellyn is at preschool Rhett enjoys Lauren all to himself. Especially now that she is on medicine and happy. Kellyn kind of hogs her. 

They said they built a next big enough for all of them lay in together. :)

Rhett's a snuggler.

Kellyn holding her after dance class. 

Waiting for her Mommy to pick her up. Used to she'ld be screaming and I'ld be wearing her or she would have passed out from exhaustion, but not anymore. 

Next week I have the week off because we are going to Disney World! Then I only have 3 more weeks left as a full time nanny with 3 kids. It is exhausting, but so much depends on how well the older 2 do and they have done so great. I have so enjoyed and been amazed at seeing their empathy come through. 

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