We are not a family on the Gerbil Wheel, but for some reason during the first weekend of November 2015 we were. It all started Friday night when I had to take Kellyn to the Hilton hotel at the DFW airport so she could attend the kick off night of her first ever dance convention, Dance Revolution. Instead of leaving and coming back Priscilla and I hung out there for 2 hours. The next morning started off Saturday morning with our alarm going off at 6:30 a.m. so I could drive Kellyn back to the airport hotel where she would stay until I picked her up at 5:30 that night. This was the longest she had ever been away from me at without a phone or anyway to contact me. I hated every second of it.
After dropping her off Pricilla and I raced to Carrollton for Rhett's final soccer game of his first season. He liked it, but didn't love it and I don't think he will play soccer again. He enjoyed getting a trophy though. (I could rant about participation trophies, but I won't)
Priscilla supporting her sister in her dance onesie and diva pants. :)
We had to drive back to get Kellyn that evening then we all went back as a family to watch "dance church." It was really neat. Then we left Kellyn again, but not as long this time, just until 4:00.
When I picked her up she had survived her first ever dance convention so I bought her the Dance Brave shirt she wanted. I'm so proud her courage and hard work. She attended over 8 hours of dance classes and was still dancing at home tonight and using big dance words I don't understand. She took a bath in epsom salt to sooth her aching muscles. 
After a long hard weekend I still had to get up and nurse my 7 week old, but I couldn't help but think how it seems like just yesterday I was nursing my other baby girl in the middle of night and now she has grown so independent of me it makes my heart ache. So I won't complain about the exhaustion, but rather savor this fleeting time while she is little and still needs me.
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