We got Miss Lilly when she was a tiny puppy just a few weeks old. She was my graduate school gift/ Christmas gift in December 2012. Max and I were engaged at the time and he was less than thrilled that we got a dog, but ended up loving her so so so much. I can't find those cute little pictures of our precious cocker spaniel puppy with big red bows on her ears, but when I do I will post them later. We walked her 3 times a day when we lived in the apartment in Frisco and I even took her to a dog sitter when I worked full time so she wouldn't have to be home alone all day.
Then we had our first baby in October 2006.
Miss Lilly loved her as if she were here own puppy.
She would lay her head on the Boppy while I nursed and snuggle next to her baby whenever she could, even laying at the foot of the pac n play in our room.

Then in June of 2009 we welcomed our second child and Miss Lilly was less welcoming, yet tolerating. She peed in his room the day we brought him home from the hospital. She still wanted to lay near him and sniff to make sure he was ok, but she wasn't as attached to him as she was Kellyn.
She was literally the best dog ever letting the kids play with her, dress her up, lay on her you name it. She would let it happen then calmly walk away when they were done. :) I'm sad Bo and Priscilla won't have these experiences.
She would always lay with you if you were sick.
She stayed right with the kids whenever they played outside.

I thought she was so cute and so pretty. I took her picture just as much I took the kids' picture.
She was always there to lend a helping hand, or moral support, or just supervise then take a nap.
Bo took to her instantly. He felt that they were best friends. I don't think the feeling was mutual, but she tolerated him very well. :)
Then we moved and had a 4th baby and that did her in. :(
She had congenital heart failure, an enlarged heart, her lungs kept filling with fluid, but dad could always save her...until he couldn't. She died in November 2016, a few days after her 13th birthday. We got say goodbye although it was such an emotional roller coaster those last few months and weeks. We said good bye many times. I miss her so deeply and wish she were still here. She was such a huge part of our lives for so many years. Another dog won't replace her. I'm so sad she is gone and so sad that Bo and Priscilla won't grow up with like Kellyn and Rhett did. She loved us and she loved our babies and we loved her just the same.

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